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How to generate restarts for MOM6 coupled model ?

Biljana Orescanin edited this page Sep 4, 2024 · 11 revisions

1 Atmosphere and Sea Ice Restart

Identify atmosphere and sea ice restarts, for e.g., /nfs3m/archive/sfa_cache04/users/g06/ehackert/GEOS5.0/eh025/restarts/Y2021/restarts.e20210630_00z.tar

If the file is archived, demigrate it:

dmget <path_to_file>/restarts.e20210630_00z.tar &

Once it is available, do following:

  1. untar it.
  2. Strip prefix
rename eh025. '' eh025.*

and suffix in names of restart files:

rename .e20210630_00z.Icarus-3_3_p2.a180x1080_o1440x1080.newtile_CF0180x6C_DE0360xPE0180.nc4 '' *.e20210630_00z.Icarus-3_3_p2.a180x1080_o1440x1080.newtile_CF0180x6C_DE0360xPE0180.nc4

2 cap_restart

Create a cap_restart that records the date of the restarts in the format (in one line):

yyyymmdd hhmmss

3 Run the Remap Script

Run GEOSgcm/install/bin/ from your build, or use following sample template.

# This template file can be filled with questionary (preferable) : [Remap Restarts Package](
# or manually (see below example for MOM5 ICA C180 to MOM6 C12 NL3)
#  Note: In example below user changes `out_dir` path and `account`

    drymass: 1
    hydrostatic: 0
    MERRA-2: false
    stretch: false
    # (coupled) ocean model: data, MOM5, MOM6
    omodel: MOM5
    agrid: C180
    bc_base: /discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/bcs_shared/fvInput/ExtData/esm/tiles
    bc_version: ICA
    expid: M2OCEAN_S2SV3
    ogrid: 1440x1080
    rst_dir: /discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/SIteam/Remapping_Test_Cases/s2sv3Toc12MOM6/inputs
    yyyymmddhh: '1982010100'
    zoom: '2'
    wemin: '26'
    # it supports three models: catch, catchcnclm40, catchcnclm45
    catch_model: catch
    # if catch_tilefile is null, it searches bcs_dir
    label: true
    # SG001,SG002
    stretch: false
    # (coupled) ocean model: data, MOM5, MOM6
    omodel: MOM6
    agrid: C12
    bc_base: /discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/bcs_shared/fvInput/ExtData/esm/tiles
    bc_version: NL3
    expid: ''
    ogrid: 72x36
    out_dir: /discover/nobackup/$USER/remap_output
    # remap upper air or not
    remap: true
    nlevel: '72'
    agcm_import_rst: false
    split_saltwater: true
    surflay: 50.
    wemin: '13'
    # remap lake, saltwater, landicet
    remap_water: true
    # remap catch(cn)
    remap_catch: true
    # if catch_tilefile is null, it searches bc_dir
    # the name of ease grid
    bkg: false
    aqua: true
    lcv: false
  account: Account number user is charging  
  qos: debug
  partition: ''

Be sure to:

  • Set modules: source .../GEOSgcm/@env/g5_modules
  • Use the ⬆️ template as .../GEOSgcm/install/bin/ -c remap_params.yaml

4 Copy the Restart Files in the Experiment Directory

Once all (atmosphere and sea ice) restarts have been generated, copy them to the experiment location and run. If MOM6 ocean is starting from climatology, use this. Otherwise provide restarts and again, follow instructions provided here to properly configure.

5 OtherMOM6 restart options