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Stewart Platform Class

This Python class, StewartPlatform, provides a comprehensive implementation for analyzing a Stewart platform, a type of parallel manipulator used in robotics and automation. This class includes methods for Inverse Kinematics, Forward Kinematics, Jacobian matrix computation, Kinematic and Force Analysis, Workspace Analysis and Singularity Finder. Check the preview of the .ipynb file for more info.

Table of Contents


Ensure you have the required dependencies installed:

pip install numpy scipy matplotlib



To create an instance of the StewartPlatform class, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • r_b: Radius of the base.
  • phi_b: Angle between base joints.
  • r_p: Radius of the platform.
  • phi_p: Angle between platform joints.
# Define parameters
r_b = 0.5  # Radius of base
phi_b = 50  # Angle between base joints
r_p = 0.3  # Radius of platform
phi_p = 80  # Angle between platform joints

# Create Stewart Platform instance
platform = StewartPlatform(r_b, phi_b, r_p, phi_p)

Inverse Kinematics

Calculate the lengths of the platform legs given a pose (position and orientation).

pose = [0.2, 0, 0.6, 10, 20, 0]  # [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]
leg_lengths = platform.getIK(pose)

Jacobian Matrix

Compute the Jacobian matrix, which relates joint velocities to end-effector velocities.

jacobian_matrix = platform.getJacobian()

Forward Kinematics

Determine the pose of the platform given the lengths of the legs and a starting guess.

starting_pose = [0, 0, 0.2, 0, 0, 0]  # Initial guess for the pose
lengths_desired = np.linalg.norm(leg_lengths,axis=1)  # Use the lengths obtained from IK
estimated_pose = platform.getFK(starting_pose, lengths_desired, plot)

Kinematic Analysis

Calculate various kinematic indices.

# Get Singular Value Index
# measures drive capability of the platform, finds max q_dot under unitary x_dot
singular_value_index = platform.getSingularValueIndex()

# Get Manipulability Index
# Measures manipulability of manipulator, can be used to optimize it's configuration
manipulability_index = platform.getManipulabilityIndex()

# Get Condition Number
# Measures closeness to isotropic configuration [1,+ inf)
condition_number = platform.getConditionNumber()

# Get Local Condition Index
# Measures closeness to isotropic configuration (0,1]
local_condition_index = platform.getLocalConditionIndex()

Force Analysis

Analyze the forces in the platform and actuators.

# Calculate Platform Forces given Actuator Forces
F_actuators = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10]  # Example actuator forces
F_platform = platform.getPlatformForces(F_actuators)

# Calculate Actuator Forces given Platform Forces
F_platform = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10]  # Example platform forces
F_actuators = platform.getActuatorForces(F_platform)

# Get Force Ellipsoid
force_ellipsoid = platform.getForceEllipsoid()

# Get Local Design Index (LDI)
# Local design index for Force transmittability (actuator design)
ldi = platform.getLDI()

Workspace Analysis

Evaluate the platform's workspace with respect to position and orientation.

# Define workspace limits [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max]
workspace_limits = [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.6]
RPY = [0, 0, 0]  # Fixed orientation (roll, pitch, yaw)
N = 10  # Number of points in each dimension
choice = 4  # Choice of index calculation (1: Singular Value Index, etc.)
            # self.options = {
            #     1: self.getSingularValueIndex, # measures drive capability of the platform, finds max q_dot under unitary x_dot
            #     2: self.getManipulabilityIndex,# Measures manipulability of manipulator, can be used to optimize it's configuration
            #     3: self.getConditionNumber,# Measures closeness to isotropic configuration [1,+ inf)
            #     4: self.getLocalConditionIndex,# Measures closeness to isotropic configuration (0,1]
            #     5: self.getLDI # Local design index for Force transmittability (actuator design)
            #     6: self.getLocalConditionIndexT # Measures closeness to force isotropic configuration, 0 when joint forces go to infinity.
            # }

workspace_indices_position = platform.getIndexWorkspacePosition(workspace_limits, RPY, N, choice)
print("Workspace Indices (Position):", workspace_indices_position)

# Define orientation limits [roll_min, roll_max, pitch_min, pitch_max, yaw_min, yaw_max]
orientation_limits = [-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10]
position = [0, 0, 0.4]  # Fixed position

workspace_indices_orientation = platform.getIndexWorkspaceOrientation(position, orientation_limits, N, choice)
print("Workspace Indices (Orientation):", workspace_indices_orientation)

There is also the possibility to use plotly to plot the values in all the defined workspace

Singularity Finder

Evaluate singularities over a range of positions in the workspace.

# Define workspace limits 
workspace_limits = [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.6]
orientation_limits = [-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10]
# Define number of points for dimension
N_pos = 10  # Number of points in each dimension
N_orient = 10  # Number of points in each dimension

# Choosing N_pos and N_orient too high may result in a computational expensive operation, suggested values ( N_pos=10, N_orient=10 )
# for practical usage there is the need to filter the data. Suggestion: filter by local condition index value AND by distance between data points (from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist).

singularities_task_space = spider.getSingularityWorkspace(workspace_limits,orientation_limits,N_pos,N_orient) # find singularities in all space

print("Singularities in task space:", singularities_task_space)

Methods Overview

  • getIK(pose): Computes inverse kinematics.
  • getJacobian(): Returns the Jacobian matrix.
  • getFK(starting_pose, lengths_desired): Computes forward kinematics.
  • getSingularValueIndex(): Calculates the singular value index.
  • getManipulabilityIndex(): Computes the manipulability index.
  • getConditionNumber(): Returns the condition number.
  • getLocalConditionIndex(): Calculates the local condition index.
  • getPlatformForces(F_actuators): Computes platform forces from actuator forces.
  • getActuatorForces(F_platform): Determines actuator forces from platform forces.
  • getForceEllipsoid(): Finds the force ellipsoid.
  • getLDI(): Returns the local design index.
  • getIndexWorkspacePosition(workspace_limits, RPY, N, choice): Analyzes workspace based on position.
  • getIndexWorkspaceOrientation(position, orientation_limits, N, choice): Analyzes workspace based on orientation.
  • getSingularityWorkspace(workspace_limits,orientation_limits,N_pos,N_orient): Evaluate singularities over a range of positions in the workspace.
  • plot(): Plots the Stewart platform configuration.