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Running with Docker Compose

The docker-compose.yml file in this repository is fully functional to evaluate DefectDojo in your local environment.

Although Docker Compose is one of the supported installation methods to deploy a containerized DefectDojo in a production environment, the docker-compose.yml file is not intended for production use without first customizing it to your particular situation. Running in Production gives advice on which adjustments are useful for performance and operational reliability.


  • Docker version
    • Installing with docker compose requires at least Docker 19.03.0 and Docker Compose 1.28.0. See "Checking Docker versions" below for version errors during running docker compose.
  • Proxies

Setup via Docker Compose - Introduction

DefectDojo needs several docker images to run. Two of them depend on DefectDojo code:

  • django service - defectdojo/defectdojo-django image
  • nginx service - defectdojo/defectdojo-nginx image

The nginx image is build based on the django image.

Before running the application, it's advised to build local images to make sure that you'll be working on images consistent with your current code base. When running the application without building images, the application will run based on:

Setup via Docker Compose


Short summary of useful commands:

  • docker compose build - Build the docker images, it can take additional parameters to be used in the build process, e.g. docker compose build --no-cache.
  • docker compose up - Start the docker containers in the foreground.
  • docker compose up -d - Start the docker containers in the background.
  • docker compose stop - Stop the docker containers, it can take additional parameters to be used in the stop process.
  • docker compose down - Stop and remove the docker containers, it can take additional parameters to be used in the stop and remove process.


2 shell scripts make life easier:

  • ./ - Utility script to aid in running a specific unit test class.
  • ./ - Utility script to aid in running a specific integration test.

Setup via Docker Compose - Building and running the application

Building images

To build images and put them in your local docker cache, run:

docker compose build

To build a single image, run:

docker compose build uwsgi


docker compose build nginx

NOTE: It's possible to add extra fixtures in folder "/docker/extra_fixtures".

Run with Docker Compose in release mode

To run the application based on previously built image (or based on dockerhub images if none was locally built), run:

docker/ release
docker compose up

This will run the application based on docker-compose.yml only.

In this setup, you need to rebuild django and/or nginx images after each code change and restart the containers.

Run with Docker Compose in development mode with hot-reloading

For development, use:

docker/ dev
docker compose build
docker compose up

This will run the application based on merged configurations from docker-compose.yml and

  • Volumes are mounted to synchronize between the host and the containers :

    • static resources (nginx container)
    • python code (uwsgi and celeryworker containers).
  • The --py-autoreload 1 parameter in will make uwsgi handle python hot-reloading for the uwsgi container.

  • Hot-reloading for the celeryworker container is not yet implemented. When working on deduplication for example, restart the celeryworker container with:

docker compose restart celeryworker
  • The postgres port is forwarded to the host so that you can access your database from outside the container.

To update changes in static resources, served by nginx, just refresh the browser with ctrl + F5.

Notes about volume permissions

If you run into permission issues with the mounted volumes, a way to fix this is changing USER 1001 in Dockerfile.django to match your user uid and then rebuild the images. Get your user id with

id -u

Run with Docker Compose in development mode with debugpy (remote debug)

Some users have found value in using debugpy. A short guide to setting this up can be found here

Access the application

Navigate to http://localhost:8080 where you can log in with username admin. To find out the admin password, check the very beginning of the console output of the initializer container by running:

docker compose logs initializer | grep "Admin password:"

Make sure you write down the first password generated as you'll need it when re-starting the application.

Option to change the password

  • If you dont have admin password use the below command to change the password.
  • After starting the container and open another tab in the same folder.
  • django-defectdojo-uwsgi-1 -- name obtained from running containers using zsh docker ps command
docker exec -it django-defectdojo-uwsgi-1 ./ changepassword admin


For docker compose release mode the log level is INFO. In the other modes the log level is DEBUG. Logging is configured in and can be tuned using a, see template for For example the deduplication logger can be set to DEBUG in a file:

LOGGING['loggers']['dojo.specific-loggers.deduplication']['level'] = 'DEBUG'

Or you can modify directly, but this adds the risk of having conflicts when gets updated upstream.

          'dojo.specific-loggers.deduplication': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'DEBUG',
            'propagate': False,

Debug Toolbar

In the dojo/settings/ you'll find instructions on how to enable the Django Debug Toolbar. This toolbar allows you to debug SQL queries, and shows some other interesting information.

Exploitation, versioning

Disable the database initialization

The initializer container can be disabled by exporting: export DD_INITIALIZE=false.

This will ensure that the database remains unchanged when re-running the application, keeping your previous settings and admin password.


In order to use a specific version when building the images and running the containers, set the environment with

  • For the nginx image: NGINX_VERSION=x.y.z
  • For the django image: DJANGO_VERSION=x.y.z

Building will tag the images with "x.y.z", then you can run the application based on a specific tagged images.

  • Tagged images can be seen with:
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                     TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
defectdojo/defectdojo-nginx    1.0.0               bc9c5f7bb4e5        About an hour ago   191MB
  • This will show on which tagged images the containers are running:
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                NAMES
aedc404d6dee        defectdojo/defectdojo-nginx:1.0.0     "/"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes        80/tcp,>8080/tcp       django-defectdojo_nginx_1

Clean up Docker Compose

Removes all containers

docker compose down

Removes all containers, networks and the database volume

docker compose down --volumes

Run with Docker Compose using https

Use your own credentials

To secure the application by https, follow those steps

  • Generate a private key without password
  • Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
  • Have the CSR signed by a certificate authority
  • Place the private key and the certificate under the nginx folder
  • copy your secrets into ../nginx/nginx_TLS.conf:
        server_name       ;
        ssl_certificate             /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt
        ssl_certificate_key        /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key;

*set the GENERATE_TLS_CERTIFICATE != True in the docker-compose.override.https.yml

  • Protect your private key from other users:
chmod 400 nginx/*.key
  • Run defectDojo with:
rm -f docker-compose.override.yml
ln -s docker-compose.override.https.yml docker-compose.override.yml
docker compose up

Create credentials on the fly

  • You can generate a Certificate on the fly (without valid domainname etc.)

  • Run defectDojo with:

rm -f docker-compose.override.yml
ln -s docker-compose.override.https.yml docker-compose.override.yml
docker compose up

The default https port is 8443.

To change the port:

  • update nginx.conf
  • update docker-compose.override.https.yml or set DD_TLS_PORT in the environment)
  • restart the application

NB: some third party software may require to change the exposed port in Dockerfile.nginx as they use docker compose declarations to discover which ports to map when publishing the application.

Run the tests with Docker Compose

The unit-tests are under dojo/unittests

The integration-tests are under tests

Running the unit tests

All tests

This will run all unit-tests and leave the uwsgi container up:

docker/ unit_tests
docker compose up

Limited tests

If you want to enter the container to run more tests or a single test case, leave setEnv in normal or dev mode:

docker/ dev
docker compose up


docker ps
#find the name of the uwsgi container from the above command
docker exec -ti [container-name] bash

Rerun all the tests:

python test unittests --keepdb

Run all the tests from a python file. Example:

python test --keepdb

Run a single test. Example:

python test --keepdb

For docker compose stack, there is a convenience script ( capable of running a single test class. You will need to provide a test case (--test-case). Example:

./ --test-case

Running the integration tests

This will run all integration-tests and leave the containers up:

docker/ integration_tests
docker compose up

NB: the first time you run it, initializing the database may be too long for the tests to succeed. In that case, you'll need to wait for the initializer container to end, then re-run docker compose up

Check the logs with:

docker logs -f django-defectdojo_integration-tests_1

Checking Docker versions

Run the following to determine the versions for docker and docker compose:

$ docker version
 Version:      17.09.0-ce
 API version:  1.32
 Go version:   go1.8.3
 Git commit:   afdb6d4
 Built:        Tue Sep 26 22:42:45 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      17.09.0-ce
 API version:  1.32 (minimum version 1.12)
 Go version:   go1.8.3
 Git commit:   afdb6d4
 Built:        Tue Sep 26 22:41:24 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: false

$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version 1.18.0, build 8dd22a9
docker-py version: 2.6.1
CPython version: 2.7.13
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1t  3 May 2016

In this case, both docker (version 17.09.0-ce) and docker compose (1.18.0) need to be updated.

Follow Docker's documentation for your OS to get the latest version of Docker. For the docker command, most OSes have a built-in update mechanism like "apt upgrade".