- Updated strikethrough to default to
tag (#919)
- Fixed the add image icon in Aztec Toolbar (#908)
- Update block-based span classes to allow view level alignment rendering (#899)
- Add option to disable collapsing of whitespaces
- Adds support to to customise styles for the Aztec Toolbar
- Move media button initialization to avoid crash when advanced toolbar is enabled and media button is disabled
- When text changes, only disable selection listener if text is empty
- Resolved clipboard issue on Android 7
- Improved TalkBack handling of formatting toolbar
- Added ability to register an observer for all the changes to the AztecText object
- Implement start and reversed in lists
- Allow preformatted background alpha and tidying to be set from child classes
- Update Glide version to 4.10.0
- Added the ability to report to the host app the IndexOutOfBounds exception in android.text.DynamicLayout.getBlockIndex(DynamicLayout.java:646) under Android 8.XX (#861)
- IndexOutOfBounds case in DynamicLayout.reflow() under Android 8.0.0 (#834)
- Allow paragraph spans that do not extend AlignmentSpan (#851)
- Fix lag deleting and inserting text #853 and #854
- Added the ability to signal undo/redo events to host app
- Fix span overlapping on window resizing (Chromebooks)
- Fix cursor size on new paragraph line (Chromebooks)
- Fix breaking layout on slow window resizing (Chromebooks)
- Added support for AndroidX
- Gutenberg fixes:
- Suppress multiple onSelectionChanged events when listener is disabled #817
- Avoid trimming spaces around html block elemts
- DynamicLayout Crash #813
- List handling in Gutenberg #812
- Remove some unneeded logging #806
- Don't bail when ZWJ cleanup found end-of-text marker #807
- Prevent execution of InputFilter for new lines #809
- Improvement to how clickable URL spans are handled #793
- Fix for crash when inserting characters right before an image #801
- Fix for crash on Samsung Clipboard ListView on Android 8.X #795
- Support for
for italic and using it as default via the formatting toolbar #777
- Option to avoid autofocus when getting visible #783
- Revert merge #776
- Add jitpack.yml to work around the Google licence issue (#778)
- Fix onSelectionChange being emitted twice when calling fromHTML (#776)
- Synced the caption span alignment attribute with its the align property
1.3.14 - 2019-01-11
- Fixed issue where pasting over the whole text emitted a delete char, causing Gutenberg to remove whole block
- Updated Kotlin version to use stable version of Coroutines
1.3.13 - 2018-12-20
- Fixed issue where
key listener was called with the wrong text.
1.3.12 - 2018-11-19
- Fixed: Repeating characters in the editor (fixed previous release)
1.3.11 - 2018-11-08
- Fixed: Repeating characters in the editor
1.3.10 - 2018-10-23
- Fixed: crash when deleting text (span handling)
1.3.9 - 2018-09-06
- Added support for creating links that open in a new window.
- Fixed: don't perform initial hash calculation when pasting content
1.3.8 - 2018-08-28
- Added the ability to use the new Android 8 feature "paste as plain text"
1.3.7 - 2018-06-29
- Fixed initial hash calculation for change detection mechanism.
- Fixed crash with too many nested
- Support for the
html elements to be block-level compatible instead of in-line.
1.3.6 - 2018-06-18
- Fixed handling of schemed urls (mailto:, http, #, etc.).
- Fixes a break in http:// descriptor as per a CSS readability feature would add a space after ":".
- Crash fixes.
- Cursor position is now retained when switching from Visual to HTML mode.
- Change detection is now handled through a hash comparison implementation and syncs between HTML/visual editors.
- The
tag is now the styling element used when tapping on the B toolbar button.
1.3.5 - 2018-06-04
tags are now respected (were being converted to<i>
).- Fixed a bug where nested paragraphs would get duplicated
- Fixed Gutenberg audio and video blocks handling
1.3.4 - 2018-05-21
- Better Gutenberg posts compatibility support (Gutenberg block delimiters are not lost anymore)
- Removed duplicate shortcut for Chromebook.
1.3.3 - 2018-05-02
- Fix an issue that removed attributes from HR tags.
- Fix a focusing issue when copying text in an AztecText.
- Hide the HTML button if the source editor is not set.
1.3.2 - 2018-04-12
- Fix a crash with the "Paste As Plain Text" feature from Android O.
- Accessibility: Add content description for heading and list menu items.
- Accessibility: Add support for touch exploration.
1.3.1 - 2018-03-15
- Fix a crash with big post content (+400Kb)
1.3 - 2018-03-02
- RTL layout support for style toolbar and undo/redo action bar
- RTL text support for quote and list rendering
- Ability to apply block formatting across multiple nesting levels of elements
- Block element closing with a newline in nested elements
- List formatting when applied to the last line
- Applying block formatting over list items
- Line indicator rendering for items containing other block elements
- Quote toggling, which removes the entire block now instead of a single line
1.2 - 2018-02-09
- Text & image caption alignment support
- Crash when editing a heading
- Order of inserted images
1.1 - 2018-01-29
- Plugin that detects and hides Gutenberg editor blocks in the visual editor
- Plugin that adds support for CSS-style underline formatting
- Bug on API 26+ when onMediaDeleted called even when no image was deleted
- Slow edit history performance
- Lost formatting on API 25 when inserting space before styled text
- Lost formatting on API 26+ when inserting a newline before styled text
1.0.1 - 2018-01-22
- Crash when pasting certain text
1.0 - 2018-01-11
- Various problems when editing captions
- Crash when copy/pasting certain text
- Crash when applying
- Cursor position after adding special comments or
- Image/video placeholder dimensions
- Problem when tapping an unknown element placeholder did not show the editor
- Text styling error when inserting a space before a formatted text
- VideoPress shortcode support
- Support for style attribute interpretation of CSS (text color)
- Ability to hide HTML comments in visual mode
- New media toolbar menu
- Automatic caption deletion when it's empty
- Deleting an image now removes the caption
1.0-beta.12 - 2017-12-06
- Text handling following immediately after images
- Undo/redo edit history
- Demo app sample text
- URL span not including href attribute when other attributes are present
- Broken parsing of and
- Broken UI tests
- All content appearing in one line on older API levels
- Fixed image scaling
- RTL support for lists
- Text editing around images with captions
- Images not staying inside links
- Check for correct paragraph bounds to prevent crashes + logging if it's incorrect
- New link UI tests
1.0-beta.11 - 2017-11-20
- Paragraphs with attributes being removed
- Conflicts of autocorrect/suggestions with editor styling
- Numbered list item display issues with multiple digits
- Abnormally tall lines following images without line breaks
- Incorrect click-handling around images not on separate lines
- All images are made to be full-width & on separate lines
- Toolbar state notification interface for plugins
- Ability to place cursor next to an image
- Spellcheck suggestions
- Improved image-related performance
1.0-beta.10 - 2017-10-06
- crash when HTML tags contained special regex characters ('$' or '\')
1.0-beta.9 - 2017-09-25
- OOB crash when unmarshalling URL span
1.0-beta.8 - 2017-08-28
- Gradle version to 4.1 and use the new
configuration to stop transient dependency leaking
- Configuration option to use the visual editor without the HTML editor
1.0-beta.7 - 2017-08-15
- Toolbar button highlighted state to use a color with more contrast
- Image/video loading placeholder drawable usage
- Quote styling of the paragraph ends, empty and mixed lines
- The missing hint bug if text is empty
- Crash in the URL dialog caused by the non plain text content of a clipboard
- Crash when copy/pasting lists
- Copy/pasting of non-latin unicode characters
- This changelog
- Plugin interface for regex plain text handler
- Plugin interface for HTML preprocessor
- Plugin interface for HTML postprocessor
- Plugin module with
WordPress shrotcode support - OnMediaDeletedListener interface, detection and handling
- Copy/pasting of block element styles
- Copy/pasting of styled text and HTML from external sources
1.0-beta.6 - 2017-07-25
- Plugin interface refactoring
- Disabled the memory optimization of drawables (temporary fix for image disappearing bug)
- Fixed image tap detection
1.0-beta.5 - 2017-07-21
- A possible memory leak connected to drawables
- OOB crash in AztecMediaSpan
- Disabled styling of multiline text with lingering newlines (temporary crash fix)
1.0-beta.4 - 2017-07-14
- 1st stage of plugin architecture redesign – moved special comments to a separate WordPress comments plugin
- Some UI tests
- A crash during quote parsing
- List styling, when 1st line was empty
- A bug when toolbar buttons only work when device keyboard is open
- A bug when style toolbar was erroneously highlighted
1.0-beta.3 - 2017-07-03
- Toolbar ellipsis button disabled state
- Toolbar collapse/expand triggers
- Jittery cursor movement during media upload
- Added button click callbacks
- Updated toolbar layout to allow switching between simple/advanced mode
1.0-beta.2 - 2017-06-20
- Implemented
- Added UI tests for text formatting
- Major toolbar redesign & improvements (button reordering, updated icons & colors, new advanced mode, new list & heading menus and more)
- Updated example content in the demo app
- A bug that prevented an inline style to be removed in the middle of text
- A link selection crash
- A bug that caused a wrong block element being selected in the toolbar
1.0-beta.1 - 2017-06-05
tag with white-space formatting support
- Changing heading type for multiple headings
- Disappearing context menu during image upload
- Paragraphs disappearing while deleting
- Toolbar buttons selected state style
1.0.0-beta - 2017-04-24
- Paragraph support for double-newline separation in HTML
- Paragraph (larger) break on return key
- Support for embedded lists
- Ability to update element attributes from the library client
- The heading menu bug
- The crash when pressing undo while uploading an image
0.5.0-alpha.5 - 2017-04-11
- Support for the
- A bug that resulted in quote style removal
- Another quote style rendering issue
- The crash when adding an image to an empty post
- The freezing & lagging when having multiple images in a post
- The weird cursor behavior around special comments
0.5.0-alpha.4 - 2017-03-27
- Toolbar crash
- The heading-deletion crash
- A strange behavior when adding multiple different heading
- Nested lists getting removed when switching to HTML mode
- Disappearing newlines between headings
- Text inside paragraph getting moved outside when toggling HTML mode
- Heading inside list & quote adding extra newlines
- Using backspace on Nougat causing weird cursor behavior
- Weird cursor behavior when deleting text inside quote
- Heading inside lists adding extra newlines
- Multiple bullets with nested lists
- The nesting of lists/quotes getting swapped when toggling HTML mode
- Closing lists with double enter adding extra newline
- Double space to end sentence inserting a space before period
- Updated the Heading icon
- Updated unknown-HTML dialog style to match the WordPress colors
- Dropped the Merriweather font & replaced it with default serif & monospace fonts
0.5.0-alpha.3 - 2017-02-27
- Cursor visibility on highlighted background
- Broken links on older Android versions
- Empty block quotes being removed
- The link crash
- Wide images inside lists are now adjusted to fit
- Span tag is now formatted inline
- Toolbar state is preserved on rotation
- Keyboard shortcuts for format toolbar buttons
- New unknown HTML (question mark icon) edit dialog
0.5.0-alpha.2 - 2017-02-13
- a handful of bugfixes
0.5.0-alpha - 2017-02-08
- Synchronized visual and HTML mode
- Edit history with undo/redo
- Images (both downloading & adding)
- Headings
- Text styling (bold, italic, underline, strike-through)
- Quotes
- Lists (numbered & bullets)
- Links
- HTML comments
- More & page special tags
- Hidden tags (
) - Unknown HTML (replaced with a question mark in visual mode)
- Emojis