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FA Forever - Server

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This is the source code for the Forged Alliance Forever lobby server. Click here to go to the Server Python API Documentation.


The lobby server is the piece of software sitting at the very core of FAF, enabling players to discover and play games with each other. It is a stateful TCP server written in asyncio and implements a custom TCP protocol for communicating with clients. The main responsibilities of the lobby server are:

  • To manage the lifecycle of joining games

    (Note that Forged Alliance uses a distributed peer-to-peer networking model, so the simulation happens entirely on the player's machines, and NOT on any server)

  • To facilitate initial connection establishment when players join a game

  • To maintain a list of online players

  • To perform rating calculations and updates

In production, the lobby server is deployed behind a websocket bridge faforever/ws_bridge_rs.

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Major Software Dependencies

The lobby server integrates with a few external services and has been tested with the following versions:

  • MariaDB 10.6
  • (optional) RabbitMQ 3.9


Before opening a pull request, please take a moment to look over the contributing guidelines.

Setting up for development

For detailed instructions see the development guide.


This section assumes you have the necessary system dependencies installed. For a list of what those are see the development guide.

  1. Start up an instance of the FAF database. This is required to run the unit tests and development server.
$ git clone
$ cd faf-stack
$ ./scripts/
  1. Install the project dependencies with pipenv
$ pipenv sync --dev
  1. Run the unit tests or development server
$ pipenv run tests
$ pipenv run devserver

For Client Developers

The official FAF client code is available at faforever/downlords-faf-client. This can be used as a reference when implementing your own custom client.

Important Notes

In order to avoid having your client break unexpectedly with a new server release, your server <-> client communication code must adhere to the following rules:

  • Unrecognized server messages are ignored.
  • Unrecognized fields in messages are ignored.

This ensures that your client continues to function when new features are implemented on the server side. A new feature might mean that the server will include a new field in an existing message, or start sending an entirely new message all together. Such changes are considered to be backwards compatible additions to the server protocol.

You can read more about the protocol API versioning here.

Server Protocol

There are two layers to the server protocol:

  1. The wire format. This is how messages are serialized to bytes and sent over the network stream.

NOTE: in production, the client connects to the server via the websocket bridge faforever/ws_bridge_rs rather than connecting directly to the TCP port.

  1. Application level messages. Also sometimes called 'commands', messages are used to exchange state between the client and server. The client will need to implement appropriate logic for interpreting each message and reacting to it by sometimes updating UI elements, internal state, or launching or terminating external processes.

Wire Format

Each message is serialized to a JSON object followed by an ASCII newline byte (b"\n" or b"\x0a"). For additional information see the server API documentation: SimpleJsonProtocol

Application messages

  1. Request / response type commands. Most messages that are sent from the client to the server will be acknowledged with a response message. The naming for these messages varies by command. For instance the ask_session command will respond with a session command containing the session id.
  2. Asynchronous commands. Many messages are generated by activity of other users, or asynchronous processes running on the server. These can generate 'broadcast' messages sent out to many connected clients, or direct messages to a specific client without being triggered by a request. Generally 'broadcast' messages are name *_info and are used to synchronize the internal states of the server and client, and often signal the need to update some UI elements. For instance the game_info message sends updated information about a game that can either be in the lobby state, be actively playing, or have ended.

Work is ongoing to document these messages in a comprehensive way. For now, all commands that can be sent from the client -> server can be found via the server API documentation: LobbyConnection under the command_* methods. Check the source code for what fields the message is expected to have and any possible responses.

It may also be useful to look at the definitions in the faf-java-commons to see how the official client is deserializing messages from the server.


Some fields or entire message classes may become deprecated and marked for removal over time. Actual removal is very rare as it can cause potential breakages of outdated clients. Currently, deprecated fields and messages will be marked with a # DEPRECATED comment in the server code and an explanation of how to migrate to the new functionality that is replacing the deprecated field or message.