A simple JS wrapper around the trace.moe API with typings
npm install trace.moe
// or
yarn add trace.moe
Importing the package in your project
// Import the package
const { Client } = require("trace.moe");
// or (whatever you prefer)
const traceAPI = require("trace.moe");
const Client = traceAPI.Client;
Creating the client and (optional) adding an API key
// If don't have an API key
const traceClient = new Client();
// If you have an API key
const traceClient = new Client(YOUR_API_KEY);
All set, let's request some anime!
Getting quota usage and more
"Client" will be the Client we created above
const accountInfo = await traceClient.getAccountInfo();
/* accountInfo - Example
id: "example@gmail.com",
priority: 0,
concurrency: 1,
quota: 1000,
quotaUsed: 43
Getting similar anime by passing along an URL
const searchResults = await traceClient.getSimilarFromURL("https://example.com/example.png");
// or if you want to pass options
const searchResults = await traceClient.getSimilarFromURL("https://example.com/example.png", {
cutBorders: true
/* searchResults - Example
frameCount: 745406,
error: "",
result: [
anilist: {
id: 99939,
idMal: 34658,
title: {
"native": "ネコぱらOVA",
"romaji": "Nekopara OVA",
english: null
synonyms: ["Neko Para OVA"],
isAdult: false
filename: "Nekopara - OVA (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4",
episode: null,
from: 97.75,
to: 98.92,
similarity": 0.9440424588727485,
video: "https://media.trace.moe/video/99939/Nekopara%20-%20OVA%20(BD%201280x720%20x264%20AAC).mp4?t=98.33500000000001&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
image: "https://media.trace.moe/image/99939/Nekopara%20-%20OVA%20(BD%201280x720%20x264%20AAC).mp4?t=98.33500000000001&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I will try and clean up these examples later and also provide docs about MediaClasses and such. For now you can check typings to see what options are available.
For full docs about trace.moe, visit https://soruly.github.io/trace.moe-api
All responses will be the same as documented there with the only exception being options.useAdvancedPreviews
. This will override the image
and video
URLs of all results to MediaClasses