is a command line tool that handles much of the basic interaction with a running xud
instance. If xud
is installed globally, it can be launched from any directory.
$ xucli --help
xucli <command>
xucli addcurrency <currency> add a currency
<swap_client> [decimal_places]
xucli addpair <base_currency> add a trading pair
xucli cancelorder <pair_id> <order_id> cancel an order
xucli channelbalance <currency> get total channel balance for a
given currency
xucli connect <node_uri> connect to an xu node
xucli disconnect <node_pub_key> disconnect from an xu node
xucli executeSwap <role> execute an atomic swap
<sending_amount> <sending_token>
<receiving_amount> <receiving_token>
xucli getinfo get general info from the xud node
xucli getorders <pair_id> [max_results] get orders from the order book
xucli listpairs get order book's available pairs
xucli listpeers list connected peers
xucli buy <quantity> <pair_id> <price> place a buy order
xucli sell <quantity> <pair_id> <price> place a sell order
xucli removecurrency <currency> remove a currency
xucli removepair <pair_id> remove a trading pair
xucli shutdown gracefully shutdown the xud node
xucli subscribepeerorders subscribe to peer order events
xucli subscribeswaps subscribe to executed swaps
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--rpc.port, -p RPC service port [number] [default: 8886]
--rpc.host, -h RPC service hostname [string] [default: "localhost"]
Calling any one of the commands above with the --help
flag will output additional instructions for that particular command.
./xucli connect xud1.test.exchangeunion.com 8885
# Manually connect to another xud instance
./xucli buy 2 LTC/BTC 0.01
# Places a new limit order BUYING 2 LTC for a price of 0.01 BTC
./xucli sell 2 LTC/BTC 1338 market
# Places a new limit order SELLING 2 LTC for the best market price
./xucli buy 5 LTC/BTC 0.012 1337
# Places a new market order BUYING 5 LTC for a price of 0.012 BTC, assigning alocal order id of 1337