nodes, RequestNavigateEventHandler? urlClickHandler)
+ {
+ foreach (var node in nodes)
+ {
+ if (MapsToBlock(node))
+ {
+ // Blocks have to be wrapped in an AnchoredBlock (such as Floater) to appear among inlines
+ var blockHolder = new Floater();
+ blockHolder.Blocks.Add(VisitBlock(node, urlClickHandler));
+ yield return blockHolder;
+ }
+ yield return VisitInline(node, urlClickHandler);
+ }
+ }
+ private static Block VisitBlock(MarkupNode node, RequestNavigateEventHandler? urlClickHandler)
+ {
+ switch (node.Type)
+ {
+ case MarkupType.List:
+ var list = new List();
+ if (node.Token?.Name == "ol")
+ list.MarkerStyle = TextMarkerStyle.Decimal;
+ else
+ list.MarkerStyle = TextMarkerStyle.Disc;
+ foreach (var itemNode in node.Children)
+ {
+ if (itemNode.Type == MarkupType.ListItem)
+ {
+ var listItem = new ListItem();
+ listItem.Blocks.AddRange(VisitAndAddBlocks(itemNode.Children, urlClickHandler));
+ list.ListItems.Add(listItem);
+ }
+ // else ignore a misplaced non-list-item node
+ }
+ return list;
+ case MarkupType.Block:
+ if (HasAnyBlocks(node))
+ {
+ var section = new Section();
+ ApplyStyle(section, node);
+ section.Blocks.AddRange(VisitAndAddBlocks(node.Children, urlClickHandler));
+ return section;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var para = new Paragraph();
+ // In HTML, has default margin but other blocks (like
) do not.
+ // In WPF, all of these map to Paragraphs that *does* have a default margin.
+ if (node.Token?.Name != "p")
+ para.Margin = new Thickness(0);
+ ApplyStyle(para, node);
+ para.Inlines.AddRange(VisitAndAddInlines(node.Children, urlClickHandler));
+ return para;
+ }
+ case MarkupType.Divider:
+ return new BlockUIContainer(new Separator());
+ case MarkupType.Table:
+ var table = new Table { Margin = new Thickness(0) };
+ var columnCount = node.Children.Max(rowNode => rowNode.Children.Count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
+ table.Columns.Add(new TableColumn());
+ var rowGroup = new TableRowGroup();
+ foreach (var rowNode in node.Children)
+ {
+ var row = new TableRow();
+ ApplyStyle(row, rowNode);
+ foreach (var cellNode in rowNode.Children)
+ {
+ var cell = new TableCell();
+ ApplyStyle(cell, cellNode);
+ // Apply colspan and rowspan, for non-uniform tables
+ var attr = HtmlUtility.ParseAttributes(cellNode.Token?.Attributes);
+ if (attr.TryGetValue("colspan", out var colSpanStr) && byte.TryParse(colSpanStr, out var colSpan))
+ cell.ColumnSpan = colSpan;
+ if (attr.TryGetValue("rowspan", out var rowSpanStr) && byte.TryParse(rowSpanStr, out var rowSpan))
+ cell.RowSpan = rowSpan;
+ cell.Blocks.AddRange(VisitAndAddBlocks(cellNode.Children, urlClickHandler));
+ row.Cells.Add(cell);
+ }
+ rowGroup.Rows.Add(row);
+ }
+ table.RowGroups.Add(rowGroup);
+ return table;
+ default:
+ return new Section(); // placeholder for unsupported things
+ }
+ }
+ private static Inline VisitInline(MarkupNode node, RequestNavigateEventHandler? urlClickHandler)
+ {
+ switch (node.Type)
+ {
+ case MarkupType.Link:
+ var link = new Hyperlink();
+ if (urlClickHandler != null && Uri.TryCreate(node.Content, UriKind.Absolute, out var linkUri))
+ {
+ link.NavigateUri = linkUri;
+ link.RequestNavigate += urlClickHandler;
+ } // else If we can't create a URL, we can't make a link clickable
+ link.Inlines.AddRange(VisitAndAddInlines(node.Children, urlClickHandler));
+ ApplyStyle(link, node);
+ return link;
+ case MarkupType.Image:
+ if (PopupMediaView.TryCreateImageSource(node.Content, out var imageSource))
+ {
+ var imageElement = new Image { Source = imageSource };
+ return new InlineUIContainer(imageElement);
+ }
+ return new Run(); // TODO find a better placeholder when img src is invalid
+ case MarkupType.Span:
+ var span = new Span();
+ ApplyStyle(span, node);
+ span.Inlines.AddRange(VisitAndAddInlines(node.Children, urlClickHandler));
+ return span;
+ case MarkupType.Sub:
+ var sub = new Span();
+ ApplyStyle(sub, node);
+ Typography.SetVariants(sub, FontVariants.Subscript);
+ sub.Inlines.AddRange(VisitAndAddInlines(node.Children, urlClickHandler));
+ return sub;
+ case MarkupType.Sup:
+ var sup = new Span();
+ ApplyStyle(sup, node);
+ Typography.SetVariants(sup, FontVariants.Superscript);
+ sup.Inlines.AddRange(VisitAndAddInlines(node.Children, urlClickHandler));
+ return sup;
+ case MarkupType.Break:
+ return new LineBreak();
+ case MarkupType.Text:
+ var run = new Run(node.Content);
+ ApplyStyle(run, node);
+ return run;
+ default:
+ return new Run(); // placeholder for unsupported types
+ }
+ }
+ private static bool HasAnyBlocks(MarkupNode node)
+ {
+ return node.Children.Any(c => MapsToBlock(c) || HasAnyBlocks(c));
+ }
+ private static bool MapsToBlock(MarkupNode node)
+ {
+ return node.Type is MarkupType.List or MarkupType.Table or MarkupType.Block or MarkupType.Divider;
+ }
+ private static void ApplyStyle(TextElement el, MarkupNode node)
+ {
+ if (node.IsBold == true)
+ el.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
+ if (node.IsItalic == true)
+ el.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
+ if (node.FontColor.HasValue)
+ el.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(ConvertColor(node.FontColor.Value));
+ if (node.BackColor.HasValue)
+ el.Background = new SolidColorBrush(ConvertColor(node.BackColor.Value));
+ if (node.FontSize.HasValue)
+ el.FontSize = 16d * node.FontSize.Value; // based on AGOL's default font size
+ if (node.Alignment.HasValue)
+ {
+ // Unfortunately the TextAlignment property is separately defined for these FlowDocument elements
+ if (el is Block blockEl)
+ blockEl.TextAlignment = ConvertAlignment(node.Alignment);
+ else if (el is TableCell cellEl)
+ cellEl.TextAlignment = ConvertAlignment(node.Alignment);
+ else if (el is ListItem itemEl)
+ itemEl.TextAlignment = ConvertAlignment(node.Alignment);
+ }
+ if (node.IsUnderline == true)
+ {
+ if (el is Inline inlineEl)
+ inlineEl.TextDecorations.Add(TextDecorations.Underline);
+ if (el is Paragraph paraEl)
+ paraEl.TextDecorations.Add(TextDecorations.Underline);
+ // TODO underline inheritance from non-para blocks?
+ }
+ if (node.IsMonospace.HasValue && node.IsMonospace.Value)
+ el.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Courier New");
+ }
+ private static System.Windows.Media.Color ConvertColor(System.Drawing.Color color)
+ {
+ return System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(color.A, color.R, color.G, color.B);
+ }
+ private static TextAlignment ConvertAlignment(HtmlAlignment? alignment) => alignment switch
+ {
+ HtmlAlignment.Left => TextAlignment.Left,
+ HtmlAlignment.Center => TextAlignment.Center,
+ HtmlAlignment.Right => TextAlignment.Right,
+ _ => TextAlignment.Left,
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WPF/UI/Controls/FeatureForm/FeatureFormView.Theme.xaml b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WPF/UI/Controls/FeatureForm/FeatureFormView.Theme.xaml
index 4702f6288..099846f31 100644
--- a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WPF/UI/Controls/FeatureForm/FeatureFormView.Theme.xaml
+++ b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WPF/UI/Controls/FeatureForm/FeatureFormView.Theme.xaml
@@ -482,6 +482,17 @@
diff --git a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/FeatureForm/FeatureForm.Theme.xaml b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/FeatureForm/FeatureForm.Theme.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a620356a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/FeatureForm/FeatureForm.Theme.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ 0,0,0,5
diff --git a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/FloorFilter/FilteringListView.cs b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/FloorFilter/FilteringListView.cs
index 365e4acd3..11477465f 100644
--- a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/FloorFilter/FilteringListView.cs
+++ b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/FloorFilter/FilteringListView.cs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Toolkit.Internal
[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_NoResultsLabel", Type = typeof(TextBlock))]
[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_FilteredListView", Type = typeof(ListView))]
[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_UnfilteredListView", Type = typeof(ListView))]
- internal class FilteringListView : ListView
+ internal partial class FilteringListView : ListView
private TextBlock? _placeholder;
private TextBox? _searchBox;
diff --git a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/MeasureToolbar/MeasureToolbar.Resources.xaml b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/MeasureToolbar/MeasureToolbar.Resources.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e67a1f1b3..000000000
--- a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/MeasureToolbar/MeasureToolbar.Resources.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/MeasureToolbar/MeasureToolbar.Theme.xaml b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/MeasureToolbar/MeasureToolbar.Theme.xaml
index 85bfa74ff..4e9d6dece 100644
--- a/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/MeasureToolbar/MeasureToolbar.Theme.xaml
+++ b/src/Toolkit/Toolkit.WinUI/UI/Controls/MeasureToolbar/MeasureToolbar.Theme.xaml
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@