In order be able to import from dna_viewer, the environment needs to be set up. This is done by adding this code to the beginning of any example mentioned below:
from sys import path as syspath, platform
from os import environ, path as ospath
ROOT_DIR = fr"{ospath.dirname(ospath.abspath(__file__))}/..".replace("\\", "/") # if you use Maya, use an absolute path instead
if platform == "win32":
LIB_DIR = f"{ROOT_LIB_DIR}/windows"
elif platform == "linux":
LIB_DIR = f"{ROOT_LIB_DIR}/linux"
raise OSError("OS not supported, please compile dependencies and add value to LIB_DIR")
if "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH" in environ:
separator = ":" if platform == "linux" else ";"
environ["MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH"] = separator.join([environ["MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH"], LIB_DIR])
When running this from Maya, the ROOT_DIR
should be set to an absolute path to the root of the repository instead.
Loads the DNA and returns a DNA
from dna_viewer import DNA
dna_ada = DNA(DNA_PATH_ADA)
dna_taro = DNA(DNA_PATH_TARO)
This uses the following parameters:
dna_path: str
- The path of the DNA file that should be used.layers: Optional[List[Layer]]
- List of parts of DNA to be loaded. If noting is passed, whole DNA is going to be loaded. Same as passing Layer.all.
Build meshes API explanation is located here.
Build Rig API explanation is located here.