ntfy.sh is a simple HTTP-based pub-sub notification service. Send and receive push notifications from any device or service. Integrate with UnifiedPush as a replacement for Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). With ntfy installed on your Android phone, you can have a single websocket-like connection to your ntfy instance, and receive notifications for all your android apps that support UnifiedPush. This offers more efficient usage of network and battery resources.
make config
See AUTH.md for information on adding external authentication on top of your app.
make install
make open
Follow the directions
for running the command line ntfy user
and ntfy access
You can open the container shell:
make shell
Then you can run any ntfy
You can also use the predefined make targets to interactively manage your users:
make user # Create a new user
make access # Show all users and privileges
make grant-read-only # Grant user read-only access to a single channel
make grant-read-write # Grant user read-write access to a single channel
make grant-write-only # Grant user write-only access to a single channel
make grant-anonymous-read-only # Grant anonymous read-only access to a single channel
make grant-anonymous-read-write # Grant anonymous read-write access to a single channel
make grant-anonymous-write-only # Grant anonymous write-only access to a single channel
make user-remove # Remove one user account
make user-reset # Reset all privileges of one user
make reset-all-users # Reset all privileges for all users
make delete-all-users # Delete all users and permissions and reboot container