immich is a high-performance self-hosted solution for backing up, viewing, managing, and sharing photos from your phone or existing galleries.
make config
This will ask you to enter the domain name to use.
It automatically saves your responses into the configuration file
See for information on adding external authentication on top of your app.
make install
If the Redis container might throw the following warning, you should configure your host as needed:
WARNING Memory overcommit must be enabled! Without it, a background save or
replication may fail under low memory condition. Being disabled, it can can
also cause failures without low memory condition, see To fix this issue add
'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the
command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
make open
This will automatically open the page in your web browser, and will
prefill the HTTP Basic Authentication password if you enabled it
(and chose to store it in passwords.json
The first person to visit the app will be prompted to create the admin account.
make destroy
This completely removes the container and volumes.