This project owes some acknowlegement to others. Here are some other authors, projects, and companies which have made this project possible.
If you believe you or a project should be included in this list please let us know.
This project is based on the idea of the PHP API client class implementation from Art of WiFi.
If you want to implement a Web/PHP based solution, take a look at the GitHub project of the PHP API client class implementation from Art of WiFi.
The UniFi SDN controller API as it is published by Ubiquiti:<UniFi SDN Controller version number>/unifi_sh_api
Example: for the UniFi SDN controller version 5.9.29.
- ChangelogManagement - A PowerShell module for reading and manipulating changelog files in keep a Changelog format.
- BuildHelpers - Helper functions for PowerShell CI/CD scenarios
- Pester - Pester is the ubiquitous test and mock framework for PowerShell. All my automated tests are based on Pester
- platyPS - Write PowerShell External Help in Markdown
- PowerShellGet - PowerShellGet is the Package Manager for PowerShell
- powershell-yaml - PowerShell CmdLets for YAML format manipulation
- PSCodeHealth - PowerShell module gathering PowerShell code quality and maintainability metrics
- PSScriptAnalyzer - PSScriptAnalyzer is a static code checker for Windows PowerShell modules and scripts.
- PowerShell - The Community is awesome! And: Thank you Microsoft for make it Open Source
- Visual Studio Code - Cross platform and very extensible code editor.
- Advanced Installer - For a free Advanced Installer Professional license for the nabling Technology open source projects
- TeamCity - The enabling Technology Build Server (Very powerful Continuous Integration out of the box)
- Mark Text - Cross platform visual markdown editor. Free and Open Source.
- MacDown - A great macOS visual markdown editor. Free and Open Source.
- GitHub - Hosts all the enabling Technology open source projects
- Microsoft Teams - Team Collaboration and notification
- PowerShell Practice and Style - The Unofficial PowerShell Best Practices and Style Guide and a great starting point.
- Produce clean & maintainable code - Produce clean & maintainable code by National Cyber Security Centre
- OWASP Secure Coding Practices - The Open Web Application Security Project Secure Coding Practices Quick Reference
- Semantic Versioning - The source of the
guidance - Keep a Changelog - The basic idea of our changelog organisation.