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All Commands

This is a list of all the command currently in the bot.


Command Description Usage Cooldown Aliases
cban Bans someone from a club. []cban [@mention] [name] 1 none
cbanlist List club bans. []cbanlist [name] <| [page]> 1 []cbl
ccode Sets the banner as the code generated by the banner editor. []ccode [name] | [value] 1 none
ccreate Create a club. []ccreate [name] 1 none
ceditdesc Edits the description of a club. []ceditdesc [name] | [desc] 1 []cedesc
ceditname Renames a club. []ceditname [name] | [newname] 1 []cename
cgiveowner Transfers club ownership to someone. []cgiveowner [@mention] [name] 1 []cgo
cinv Invite someone to a club. []cinv [@mention] [name] 1 []cinvite
cinvlist List club invites. []cinvlist [name] <| [page]> 1 []cil
cjoin Join a club. []cjoin [name] 1 none
ckick Kicks someone from a club. []ckick [@mention] [name] 1 none
cleave Leave a club, doing this as a owner disbands the club. []cleave [name] 1 none
club View a club. []club [name] 1 none
cmembers Views members in the club. []cmembers [name] <| [page]> 1 []cm
crank Changes the rank of a person in a club. []crank [name] | [@mention] [newrank] 1 none
crinv Removes an invite from a club. []crinv [@mention] [name] 1 []cremoveinvite
csetting Edits or views setting in the club. []csetting [name] | [setting] <value> 1 []cs
cunban Unbans someone from a club. []cunban [@mention] [name] 1 none
pclubs Get your clubs (or someone elses) []pclubs <@mention> 2 []myclubs


Command Description Usage Cooldown Aliases
bug Gets a link to the bug tracker. []bug 1 none
help Shows the help message []help [command] 10 []?
invite Gets an invite link for the bot. []invite 1 none
ping Pong! []ping 1 none
pong Ping! []pong 1 none
serverinvite Gets an invite link for the official server. []serverinvite 1 none


Command Description Usage Cooldown Aliases
boexecute Executes a buying offer on the global market []boexecute [offer id] <amount> 10 []gbsell, []gbe, []boe
boffer Puts a buying offer on the global market []boffer [item] [amount] [price per item] 10 []gbbuy
bolist Shows a list of all buying offers []bolist <page> 2 []gblist, []gbl, []bol
bosearch Searches for an item on buying offers. []bosearch [item] <page> 2 []gbsearch, []gbs, []bos
myoffers Shows a list of your current offers []myoffers <page> 2 []gmlist, []mo, []gml
oinfo Gets offer information []oinfo [offer id] 1 []gbinfo, []offerinfo, []gminfo
ostop Stops an offer []oinfo [offer id] 1 []gmstop, []gbstop, []stopoffer
soexecute Executes a selling offer on the global market []soexecute [offer id] <amount> 10 []gmbuy, []gse, []soe
soffer Puts a selling offer on the global market []soffer [item] [amount] [price per item] 10 []gmsell
solist Shows a list of all selling offers []solist <page> 2 []gmglist, []gmgl, []sol
sosearch Searches for an item on selling offers. []sosearch [item] <page> 2 []gmsearch, []gms, []sos


Command Description Usage Cooldown Aliases
cardguess Guess cards for 💵. []cardguess 60 []cg
slots Do slots for 💵. []slots [bet] 10 none


Command Description Usage Cooldown Aliases
badge Shows information about an badge. []badge [name] 5 none
badges Lists all badges []badges <page> 2 none
buypack Purchase a pack. []buypack [series] <amount> 2 none
card Shows information about an card. []card [name] 2 none
cards Shows a list of cards []cards <page> 2 none
daily Recieve daily 💵. []daily 10 none
fusecards Fuses all cards of one series into a badge. []fusecards [series] 2 []makebadge
openpack Opens a pack. []openpack [series] 10 none
series Shows a list of series []series <page> 2 []packs


Command Description Usage Cooldown Aliases
album Shows information about an album. []album [id] 5 none
albums Lists all albums. []albums 2 none
balance Get your own balance (or someone elses) []balance <@mention> 10 []bal, []money
cardtoalbum Makes a card into a piece of the album. []cardtoalbum [card name] 2 []card2album, []c2a
inv Get your own inventory (or someone elses) []inv <@mention> <page> 3 none
pbadges Get your badges (or someone elses) []pbadges <@mention> 10 []mybadges
setting Edit or view settings. []setting [setting] <value> 1 []set
ssetting Edit or view server settings. []ssetting <setting [value]> 1 []mybadges
stats Get your own statistics (or someone elses) []stats <@mention> 2 none


Command Description Usage Cooldown Aliases
donate Donate someone 💵. []donate [@mention] [amount] 3 none
gift Gift someone an item. []give [@mention] [item] [amount] 3 none
taccept Accepts a trade request. []taccept 1 []accepttrade
tadditem Adds an item to the trade. []tadditem [item] [amount] 3 []addtradeitem, []tradeadditem
tdeny Declines or stops a trade. []tdeny 1 []denytrade, []declinetrade, []tdecline
tok Toggles accepting the current trade. []tok 1 []oktrade
trade Shows the current trade standing. []trade 5 none
tremoveitem Removes an item from the trade. []tremoveitem [item] [amount] 3 []removetradeitem, []traderemoveitem
tsetmoney Sets how much 💵 you offer. []tsetmoney [amount] 3 []settrademoney, []tradesetmoney
tstart Start a trade request with a person []tstart [@mention] 10 []starttrade


Command Description Usage Cooldown Aliases
quest View your current quest. []quest 2 none
qget Get a new quest. []qget 21600 []getquest, []questget
qcheck Execute your quest for rewards. []qget 2 []checkquest, []executequest, []qexecute