Albums are like an extra to badges, only you don't know what card goes in what album. 👀
When you run []albums
you will see something like this...
!===== [Albums (Page 1/1)] =====!
\- 1. ??????? - 0/12 Cards
\- 2. ?????? - 0/12 Cards
\- 3. ???????? - 0/10 Cards
\- 4. ???????? - 0/6 Cards
!===== [Albums (Page 1/1)] =====!
When you run []album [number]
replacing [number] with an album number
, the bot will take some time to generate the image, the bot will send a message with the album title if you have completed it; the number of cards you have already put into the album; and the image of the album itself.
Simply run []cardtoalbum [card-name|#card-id]
If the card isn't required for any albums, the bot will return with the message:
No albums needs this card.