All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project follows the Ragnarök Versioning Convention.
- Changed loot tables to be closer to the original
- Changed logo in the mod menu
- Changed description in the mod menu
- Changed the mod ID (Items will be automatically converted, achievements will be lost)
- Fixed Crystal Wings not working after the player's bed was broken
- Fixed Burnt Wings and Ender Scepter not playing any sounds when the nostalgic "Nostalgic Sounds" config was enabled
- Updated to io.freefair.lombok 8.7.1
- Updated to foojay-resolver 0.8.0
- Updated to org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext 1.1.8
- Updated to Gradle 8.8
- Updated to RetroFuturaGradle to version 1.4.1
- Switched from RetroFuturaGradle tags to gradle-buildconfig-plugin
- Switched to Gradle Kotlin DSL
- Switched to the new standard
- Switched to CurseUpdate for update checking
- Set a minimum Gradle Daemon JVM version requirement
- General cleanup
- Automated building the resource packs
- Remade the build script
- Added credits to DaftPVF in the description
- Added version number to the name and description
- Reworded the description
- Added
to the credits
- Update the mod description in game
- Changed default durability of the crystal wing from
- Changed default durability of the burnt wing from
- Changed default durability of the ender scepter from
- Fixed Re-Crystallized Wing using its id instead of its name for logging
- Fixed items using a deprecated way of declaring their rarity
- Fixed items not changing rarity when enchanted
- Fixed logo not showing up in game
- As a result of a general cleanup Re-Crystallized Wing should be faster and use slightly less ram
- Changed the package to the new domain
- Stopped including Jafama
- Renamed config fields to follow camelCase
- Renamed constants to follow TALL_SNAKE_CASE
- Organized lang entries
- Updated to Gradle 8.3
- Updated the build script to follow the MMT
- General Cleanup
- Changed license to MIT
Ender Scepter Reach Mutliplier
config got changed toEnder Scepter Reach
and is now in blocks- Added
to the credits as they where the original creator of the mod in Minecraft 1.2.5
- Fixed Ender Scepter creative reach multiplier always being applied
- Fixed Ender Scepter using the Crystal Wing configuration for durability
- Switched to Raven amazing RetroFuturaGradle
- Updated to Gradle 8.1.1