The recon_surf
directory contains all information needed to run the surface-generation and processing part of
FastSurfer in developer/expert mode. Within approximately 1-1.5 h (depending on processing parallelization and
image quality) this pipeline provides a fast FreeSurfer alternative for cortical surface reconstruction, mapping of
cortical labels and traditional point-wise and ROI thickness analysis.
The basis for the reconstruction pipeline is the accurate anatomical whole brain segmentation following the DKTatlas
such as the one provided by the FastSurferCNN or FastSurferVINN deep learning architectures.
The T1-weighted full head input image and the segmentation need to be equivalent in voxel size, dimension and orientation (LIA). With FastSurferCNN or VINN this is always ensured. If the image resolution is below 0.999, the surface pipeline will be run in hires mode.
Also note, that if a file exists at $subjects_dir/$subject_id/mri/orig_nu.mgz
, this file will be used as the
bias-field corrected image and the bias-field correction is skipped.
The recon_surf directory contains scripts to run the analysis. In addition, a working installation of FreeSurfer (the supported version, usually the most recent) is needed for a native install (or use our Docker/Singularity images).
The main script is called
which accepts certain arguments via the command line.
List them by running the following command:
:cwd: /../recon_surf/
Note that it is recommended to run the surface pipeline via --surf_only ...
rather than via
directly. The only time you would do that is if you want to try out experimental flags that are not available via the
entry script (which is usually for developers only). The following examples show you, how you would achieve this.
Docker can be used to simplify the installation (no FreeSurfer on system required). Given you already ran the segmentation pipeline, and want to just run the surface pipeline on top of it (i.e. on a different cluster), the following command can be used:
# 1. Pull the docker image (if it does not exist locally)
docker pull deepmi/fastsurfer:cpu-v?.?.?
# 2. Run command
docker run -v /home/user/my_fastsurfer_analysis:/output \
-v /home/user/my_fs_license_dir:/fs_license \
--entrypoint /fastsurfer/recon_surf/ \
--rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) deepmi/fastsurfer:cpu-v?.?.? \
--fs_license /fs_license/license.txt \
--sid subjectX --sd /output --3T
Check Dockerhub to find out the latest release version and replace the "?".
Docker Flags:
- The
commands mount your output, and directory with the FreeSurfer license file into the Docker container. Inside the container these are visible under the name following the colon (in this case /output and /fs_license).
This call is very similar to calling the standard
script with the --surf_only
flag and starting
only the surface module. It assumes that this case subjectX
exists already and that the output files of the
segmentation module are available in the subjectX/mri
directory (e.g.
, mask.mgz
, orig.mgz
etc.). The
directory will then be populated with the FreeSurfer file structure, including surfaces, statistics and labels file
(equivalent to a FreeSurfer recon-all run).
Singularity can be used instead of Docker to run the full pipeline or individual modules. In this example we change the
entrypoint to
instead of the standard
. Usually it is recommended to just use the
default, so this is for expert users who may want to try out specific flags that are not passed to the wrapper.
Given you already ran the segmentation pipeline, and want to just run
the surface pipeline on top of it (i.e. on a different cluster), the following command can be used:
# 1. Build the singularity image (if it does not exist)
singularity build fastsurfer-cpu-v?.?.?.sif docker://deepmi/fastsurfer:cpu-v?.?.?
# 2. Run command
singularity exec --no-home \
-B /home/user/my_fastsurfer_analysis:/output \
-B /home/user/my_fs_license_dir:/fs_license \
./fastsurfer-cpu-?.?.?.sif \
/fastsurfer/recon_surf/ \
--fs_license /fs_license/license.txt \
--sid subjectX --sd /output --3T \
--t1 <path_to>/subjectX/mri/orig.mgz \
--asegdkt_segfile <path_to>/subjectX/mri/aparc.DKTatlas+aseg.deep.mgz
Check Dockerhub to find out the latest release version and replace the "?".
commands mount your output, and directory with the FreeSurfer license file into the Singularity container. Inside the container these are visible under the name following the colon (in this case /data, /output, and /fs_license). -
command disables the automatic mount of the users home directory (see Best Practice)
The --t1
and --asegdkt_segfile
flags point to the already existing conformed T1 input and segmentation from the
segmentation module. Also other files from that pipeline will be reused (e.g. the mask.mgz
, orig_nu.mgz
). The
subject directory will then be populated with the FreeSurfer file structure, including surfaces, statistics and labels
file (equivalent to a FreeSurfer recon-all run).
Given you want to analyze data for subjectX which is stored on your computer under /home/user/my_mri_data/subjectX/orig.mgz
run the following command from the console (do not forget to source FreeSurfer!):
# Source FreeSurfer
export FREESURFER_HOME=/path/to/freesurfer
# Define data directory
targetdir=/home/user/my_recon_surf_output # equivalent to FreeSurfer's SUBJECTS_DIR
# Run recon-surf
./ --sid subjectX \
--sd $targetdir \
--py python3.10 \
--3T \
--t1 <path_to>/subjectX/mri/orig.mgz \
--asegdkt_segfile <path_to>/subjectX/mri/aparc.DKTatlas+aseg.deep.mgz
The --t1
and --asegdkt_segfile
flags point to the already existing conformed T1 input and segmentation from the segmentation module. Also other files from that pipeline
will be reused (e.g. the mask.mgz
, orig_nu.mgz
, i.e. under /home/user/my_fastsurfeer_analysis/subjectX/mri/mask.mgz
). The subjectX
directory will then be populated with the FreeSurfer file structure, including surfaces, statistics and labels file (equivalent to a FreeSurfer recon-all run).
The script will generate a bias-field corrected image at /home/user/my_fastsurfeer_analysis/subjectX/mri/orig_nu.mgz
, if this did not already exist.
Most of the recon_surf functionality can also be achieved by running
with the --surf_only
flag. This means we can also use the
command with --surf_only
to achieve similar results (see also Example 4.
There are however some small differences to be aware of:
- the path to and the filename of the t1 image in the subject_list file is optional.
- you are not able to specify a custom, conformed t1 image via
--t1 <path>
( --seg_only
will always use$subjects_dir/$subject_id/mri/orig.mgz
Invoke the following command (make sure you have enough resources to run the given number of subjects in parallel or drop the --parallel_surf max
flag to run them in series!):
singularity exec --no-home \
-B /home/user/my_fastsurfer_analysis:/output \
-B /home/user/subjects_lists/:/lists \
-B /home/user/my_fs_license_dir:/fs_license \
./fastsurfer.sif \
/fastsurfer/ \
--surf_only \
--subjects_list /lists/subjects_list.txt \
--parallel_surf max \
--sd /output \
--fs_license /fs_license/license.txt \
A dedicated subfolder will be used for each subject within the target directory.
As the --t1
and --asegdkt_segfile
flags are not set, a subfolder within the target directory named after each subject ($subject_id
) needs to exist and contain T1-weighted conformed image,
mask and segmentations (as output by our FastSurfer segmentation networks, i.e. under $subjects_dir/$subject_id/mri/orig.mgz
, $subjects_dir/$subject_id/mri/mask.mgz
, and $subjects_dir/$subject_id/mri/aparc.DKTatlas+aseg.deep.mgz
, respectively).
The directory will then be populated with the FreeSurfer file structure, including surfaces, statistics and labels file (equivalent to a FreeSurfer recon-all run). The script will also generate a bias-field corrected image at $subjects_dir/$subject_id/mri/orig_nu.mgz
, if this did not already exist.
The logs of individual subject's processing can be found in $subjects_dir/$subject_id/scripts
. On the standard out (e.g. the console), the output from multiple subjects will be interleaved, but each line prepended by the subject id.