WheelMUD is a modern Multiple User Domain (MUD) engine. WheelMUD provides a platform on which to build your own text-based MMO.
- Accessible to average hobbyist coders.
- Capitalize on an untapped market of MUD coders.
- Help coders develop job skills.
- Attractive, approachable code base.
- Stable.
- Extensible systems.
- Extensible world-building.
- Performs well enough to be a viable platform for running even the most popular MUDs.
- Continuous improvement.
- Above all, Have Fun!
The following goals help us achieve the High Level Goals:
- Runs on Windows (at minimum). The solution is easy to find, build, and launch, with minimal preparation. All default dependencies must be free to use, at least for non-commercial purposes.
- Development will be confined to modern, accessible languages such as C#, which aren't already flooded with MUD engines.
- Utilize modern development environments, and other common job tools and development practices that are valuable to gain experience with.
- High encapsulation. Strong separation of concerns. Some coding styles/conventions enforced by tooling for consistency.
- Highly testable code. Tests run automatically and gate merging code. Can configure to run as a service with automatic restarts. Suitable logging for diagnosing crashes.
- Composable systems (such as eventing, and automatic discovery of extension modules). Common classes can be shared and dropped in and usually just work (like actions).
- Composable game entities (such as behaviors, effects, game stats), customizable per game instance. Dynamic persistence. Accessible but powerful online world building tools.
- Accessible to common .NET performance tooling and stress testing techniques.
- Foster active, engaging community. Ease of integration (for entire code-bases, content, and/or specific features/components) between MUDs built on the platform.
- The players aren't the only ones having fun!