diff --git a/vim-config/configs.vim b/vim-config/configs.vim index 22c52ba5..3f320794 100644 --- a/vim-config/configs.vim +++ b/vim-config/configs.vim @@ -488,6 +488,9 @@ let g:ale_lint_on_enter = 1 let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1 let g:ale_completion_enabled = 0 " we _do not_ want completion with ale but CoC +" This is a fairly knew, super annoying feature that I'll always disable. +let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 0 + " enable auto-completion using github.com/maralla/completor.vim let g:completor_gocode_binary = '~/code/go_src/src/github.com/nsf/gocode/' let g:completor_python_binary = '/usr/bin/python3' @@ -540,9 +543,9 @@ let g:ale_fixers = { \ 'python': ['isort', 'autopep8'], \ 'elm': ['elm-format'], \ 'haskell': ['hfmt'], -\ 'rust': ['rustfmt'] \} " Totally usable, but needs configuration: 'cpp': ['clang-format']. +" currently unusable: 'rust': ['rustfmt'] " Using `prettier' as a fixer can be annoying, e.g. when writing jsx. If " that is the case, just toggle running fixers on save with j.