🦊 Preset for Vue application. With a ready-made architecture
For usage copy and paste it in your directory console
vue add vue-cli-plugin-kami
Application architecture
Generator has created these files:
├── helper
│ └── mixins
│ ├── dialog.js 👈 Mixin for dialog components
│ └── main.js 👈 File with all mixins!
├── middleware
│ ├── WebClient.js 👈 Axios config
│ └── services 👈 All app services
│ └── ExampleService.js
├── router
│ ├── index.js
│ ├── initListners.js 👈 Inject all listners in router instance
│ ├── routes
│ └── listners
│ ├── beforeEach.js 👈 Hook before page started load
│ ├── beforeResolve.js 👈 Hook after all router hook has been resolved
│ └── index.js
└── store
├── index.js
├── VuexModule.js 👈 Сlass that describes all Vuex modules
└── modules
├── example.js
└── index.js