Calculeitor - Probably the WORST Turbo-C made calculator EVER!
You can use calculator using a c compiler like GCC or in this case, Turbo-C. Just give two numbers to the program and it will calculate it aotumatically once you've selected an option.
You should use calculeitor because: 1.- Its free (gratis and libre) software, you can modify it and you can redistribute it without any problem! 2.- Calculeitor respects your privacy and freedom. 3.- Calculeitor its totally compatible with most OS in the market, you just need to get a c compiler and calculeitor will do the job for ya! 4.- A bunch of (none)experts made this program with the most (non-existent) experienced engineers, calculeitor is the solution for all your math problems! 5.- Yup, calculeitor doesn't support doubles, however we use a lot of technologies (better then C itself) named GNU Microsoft LUK Ternel. What means that?, well, its a kernel based C/D programming language used to make look like the code as C.
I hope you like my tiny calculator ^-^ feel free to make forks or issues, also pull request are accpeted :D