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This day covers Part Two of Project 1: WeSplit
in the 100 Days of SwiftUI Challenge. (Project files can be found in the directory for Part One.)
It focuses on several specific topics:
- Reading text from the user with TextField
- Creating pickers in a form
- Adding a segmented control for tip percentages
- Calculating the total per person
Given that this is a check spitting app, I experimented with binding a Double
to the TextField
with the TextField(_:value:)
initializer. Unfortunately, at the moment, SwiftUI will only refresh the view automatically if using the ``TextField(_:text:)` initializer and binding a string.
Good to know... but I anticipate we'll need a splash of custom logic to properly handle converting string inputs to currency values.
I'm not sure if this is a feature that was added after the course video was made, but it looks like a Picker
wrapped in a ForEach
will bind to the ForEach
's values directly (that is, instead of updating them with the active index) as long as we include an id
keypath in its construction:
Picker("Number of People", selection: $numberOfPeople) {
ForEach(1...100, id: \.self) { number in
Text("\(number) \(number == 1 ? "Person" : "People")")
This is where computed properties get to work their magic. Composing everything like this...
extension MainView {
private var checkAmount: Double { Double(checkAmountString) ?? 0 }
private var totalCost: Double {
+ (checkAmount * (Double(tipPercentage.rawValue) / 100.0))
private var amountPerPerson: Double? {
guard numberOfPeople > 0 else { return nil }
return totalCost / Double(numberOfPeople)
private var formattedAmountPerPerson: String? {
guard let amountPerPerson = amountPerPerson else { return nil }
return Currency.formatter.string(from: amountPerPerson as NSNumber)
} us a nice and clean declaration at the call site:
if formattedAmountPerPerson != nil {
Text("\(formattedAmountPerPerson!) Satoshis")