This repo and version of AutoLab is soon to be deprecated. The current version (3.0.3) works as described under the original releases of Win10 and Server 2016. Due to the major update versions from Microsoft and changes to Hyper-V over the past year, you may have issues getting this to work as described. Check the “Issues” list for possible solutions.
We are currently working on a new product with similar functionality that will be published to a new repo. When the new product is ready for release, we will post a link here.
Until then, this repo and product is soon to be deprecated and is not activily being supported.
You are free to use, modify and distribute this unsupported version. This tool is provided ‘as is’ with no warranties or guarantees.
This is an automated lab environment build tool to support authors, trainers, educators and students in designing and building a virtual lab environment.
The configurations and control scripts for the Hyper-V virtual machine's are written in Microsoft PowerShell DSC and deployed using VirtualEngine Lability. This tool will completely build a lab environment from scratch, however if you want to build your own environment and have the VMs configured for you, see the section on StandAlone.
This tool is provided 'as is' with no warranties or guarantees.
Final Release is ]v3.1.0]()
Download release PS-AutoLab-Env v3.0.3
Version 1.1.0 of the PSAutolab module with -IgnorePendingReboot parameter for Unattend-lab and Setup-Lab.
Deprecation announcement - see top
Download release PS-AutoLab-Env v3.0.2
Added New course config for Michael Bender
- Download any release All Releases
The host computer must have the following:
- WMF 5 (Windows Management Framework 5)
- An internet connection
- Minimum 16GB of Ram
- Minimum 100GB free disk space
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows 10 client with SLAT
If you are going to build a Host VM of Server 2016 or Windows 10, In the gerenal settings for your VM, you must change the OS type to Hyper-V(Unsupported) or the Host hyper-v will not work!
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows 8.1 clients
- Windows 10 clients
Video of instructions here: Video Instructions
- Download the ZIP of this repository to the Host computer.
- Extract the zip of PS-AutoLab-Env to your C:\ drive (C:\PS-AutoLab-Env)
- Open PowerShell with administrative privileges (Run As Administrator)
- Set the execution policy to Bypass (PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy ByPass)
- Change to the extracted folder
. - Run PS> .\ Setup-Host.ps1
- Note: The default installation folder is C:\AutoLab. You can change this if desired.
- Note: .\Unattend-LabSetup runs setup-lab, Run-Lab, and Validate-Lab all together for faster processing
- Change to the configuration folder under the installation folder (C:\AutoLab) and choose a configuration i.e. c:\AutoLab\Configuration<Your Config folder>
- Check the Instructions.MD (Get-Content .\Instructions.MD)
Note - The first time you run Setup-Lab, it will download all required files including ISOs and DSCResources. This initial download may require several hours depending on your Internet connection but it only happens the first time. You will be able to build and wipe the Lab quickly in future.
To run the full lab setup, which includes Setup-Lab, Run-Lab, Enable-Internet, and Validate-Lab:
PS> Unattend-Lab
To run the commands individually to setup the lab environment:
Run the following for initial setup:
PS> Setup-Lab
To start the Lab, and apply configurations the first time:
PS> Run-Lab
To enable Internet access for the VM's, run:
PS> Enable-Internet
To validate when configurations have converged:
PS> Validate-Lab
To stop the lab VM's:
PS> Shutdown-lab
To checkpoint the VM's:
PS> Snapshot-Lab
To quickly rebuild the labs from the checkpoint, run:
PS> Refresh-Lab
To destroy the lab to build again:
PS> Wipe-Lab
In the Standalone folder, a variety of DSC configurations have been included for authors and students who wish to build their environments on their own VM Infrastructure. The DSC Configurations may be applied to your own VMs. You will need to deploy the configs and DSC resources yourself.
For suport, see issues list on this repo.
None. Check back for the link to the new repo and project.