uci is a client package for Universal Chess Interface protocol (UCI) compliant engines (such as Stockfish).
uci requires an engine to be useful. On macOS you can install Stockfish with:
brew install stockfish
All installation methods are listed on Stockfish's Download Page
Engine's Run method takes commands that implement the Cmd interface. Here is a supported commands:
Command | Type | Description |
uci | CmdUCI | tell engine to use the uci |
isready | CmdIsReady | this command can be used to wait for the engine to be ready again or to ping the engine to find out if it is still alive |
setoption | CmdSetOption | this is sent to the engine when the user wants to change the internal parameters |
ucinewgame | CmdNewGame | this is sent to the engine when the next search (started with "position" and "go") will be from a different game. |
position | CmdPosition | set up the position described in fenstring on the internal board and play the moves on the internal chess board. |
go | CmdGo | start calculating on the current position set up with the "position" command. |
stop | CmdStop | stop calculating as soon as possible |
ponderhit | CmdPonderHit | This will be sent if the engine was told to ponder on the same move the user has played |
quit | CmdQuit | quit the program as soon as possible |
package main
import (
func main() {
// set up engine to use stockfish exe
eng, err := uci.New("stockfish")
if err != nil {
defer eng.Close()
// initialize uci with new game
if err := eng.Run(uci.CmdUCI, uci.CmdIsReady, uci.CmdUCINewGame); err != nil {
// have stockfish play speed chess against itself (10 msec per move)
game := chess.NewGame()
for game.Outcome() == chess.NoOutcome {
cmdPos := uci.CmdPosition{Position: game.Position()}
cmdGo := uci.CmdGo{MoveTime: time.Second / 100}
if err := eng.Run(cmdPos, cmdGo); err != nil {
move := eng.SearchResults().BestMove
if err := game.Move(move); err != nil {
// Output:
// 1.c4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.Nc3 Nc6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Nxd4 Nf6 6.a3 d5 7.cxd5 exd5 8.Bf4 Bc5 9.Ndb5 O-O 10.Nc7 d4 11.Na4 Be7 12.Nxa8 Bf5 13.g3 Qd5 14.f3 Rxa8 15.Bg2 Rd8 16.b4 Qe6 17.Nc5 Bxc5 18.bxc5 Nd5 19.O-O Nc3 20.Qd2 Nxe2+ 21.Kh1 d3 22.Bd6 Qd7 23.Rab1 h6 24.a4 Re8 25.g4 Bg6 26.a5 Ncd4 27.Qb4 Qe6 28.Qxb7 Nc2 29.Qxa7 Ne3 30.Rb8 Nxf1 31.Qb6 d2 32.Rxe8+ Qxe8 33.Qb3 Ne3 34.h3 Bc2 35.Qxc2 Nxc2 36.Kh2 d1=Q 37.h4 Qg1+ 38.Kh3 Ne1 39.h5 Qxg2+ 40.Kh4 Nxf3# 0-1