All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
- improve perf and uci notation (#26) - (85f540d) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert
- game.String() respects the defined order (#23) - (17ab924) - Sönke Werner Köster
- update move number handling to use int type and improve parsing logic (#25) - (7e9b22e) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert
- implement UCI conversion for castling moves in polyglot - (ebe4434) - CorentinGS
- output pgn for game string representation (#19) - (776f4ec) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert
- 🐛 add support for multiple commands in moves and update dependencies (#16) - (6e2ec58) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert
- better handling of map - (3ed4f1c) - CorentinGS
- add tag prefix configuration for version handling - (dbf2007) - CorentinGS
- add GetRootMove method to retrieve the root move of the game - (81d9023) - CorentinGS
- add cog for version handling - (8659047) - CorentinGS
- (golanci-lint) 🚨 try to fix some linters warnings (#2) - (44962f6) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert
- Handle ignored errors in fmt.Sscanf and fmt.Fprintf calls - (651d1d5) - CorentinGS
- parsing commands and variations - (397e104) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert
- golang version - (5c88ba1) - CorentinGS
- forgot reference - (7cf9b3e) - CorentinGS
- linter warnings - (8fa67cf) - CorentinGS
- notation convention - (cc7669c) - CorentinGS
- improve Move allocation and reduce heap allocations - (c9d58c0) - CorentinGS
- remove map allocation from the loop - (a48f2fd) - CorentinGS
- reduce allocations - (98fe8e2) - CorentinGS
- remove string usage which lead to a lot of allocation and replace with much more efficient code - (5b4e482) - CorentinGS
- 👷 add ci - (f25315f) - CorentinGS
- add getters and setters for the move struct - (e811cd5) - CorentinGS
- improve godoc and simplify code (#14) - (cb10e7d) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert
- add codecov token - (ff62fc4) - CorentinGS
- work on the parser - (6246236) - CorentinGS
- use a byte buffer in board.String to improve performances - (4159504) - CorentinGS
- ChangeTurn function - (286b62a) - CorentinGS
- Expose getPiece as GetPiece - (f1cb08b) - Barak Michener
- update packages - (b5d0abf) - CorentinGS
- (allocs) ⚡ reduce allocations by using string builder and replacing strings by bytes when possible. - (4f11f5c) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert
and integratePushMove
functionality. (#3) - (4c75fb7) - Corentin Giaufer Saubert- declare my own module as I'm not going to make PR on the upstream but keep it as an active fork for my own - (3f44c4e) - CorentinGS
Changelog generated by cocogitto.