An application that pulls dog videos from the YouTube Api, in which you can like and comment on videos. Information is not posted back to the YouTube video. A User needs to be signed in to like or comment.
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-darwin17]
$ rails --version
Rails 5.1.6
You will need to add the client_secrets.json file to your project to obtain YouTube videos.
The application is deployed on Heroku:
In order to obtain YouTube videos:
$ ruby app/services/youtube_search.rb
$ rake db:seed
Future features:
- Handeling duplicate videos, and videos with errors
- Users are able to pull videos
- Dashboard for Users to view their most liked videos etc
- Comment page needs styling & JS components so that page does not need to reload
- Bootstraps hover styling needs to be removed
- If User is not signed in and clicks like - the user should be redirected to that action after sign up
- Tests