From 5b0aef98b1920b5e1be24f7c3ffca4168df563e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ibrahimkk-moideen <>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 14:08:52 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] set generic metric names from moonshot exporter

---                 |  1 +
 exporter/moonshot/metrics.go | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index d5eb045..2dd9a62 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ log is based on the [Keep a CHANGELOG]( project.
 ## Updated
 - increase security context for kubernetes helm chart deployment [#102](
+- metric names in moonshot exporter to generic names as seen in other models [#106](
 ## [0.12.1]
diff --git a/exporter/moonshot/metrics.go b/exporter/moonshot/metrics.go
index 9e1dc44..741d7bc 100644
--- a/exporter/moonshot/metrics.go
+++ b/exporter/moonshot/metrics.go
@@ -40,30 +40,30 @@ func NewDeviceMetrics() *map[string]*metrics {
 		ThermalMetrics = &metrics{
-			"fanSpeed":          newServerMetric("thermal_fan_speed", "Current fan speed in the unit of percentage, possible values are 0 - 100", nil, []string{"name"}),
-			"fanStatus":         newServerMetric("thermal_fan_status", "Current fan status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name"}),
-			"sensorTemperature": newServerMetric("thermal_sensor_temperature", "Current sensor temperature reading in Celsius", nil, []string{"name"}),
-			"sensorStatus":      newServerMetric("thermal_sensor_status", "Current sensor status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name"}),
+			"fanSpeed":          newServerMetric("redfish_thermal_fan_speed", "Current fan speed in the unit of percentage, possible values are 0 - 100", nil, []string{"name"}),
+			"fanStatus":         newServerMetric("redfish_thermal_fan_status", "Current fan status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name"}),
+			"sensorTemperature": newServerMetric("redfish_thermal_sensor_temperature", "Current sensor temperature reading in Celsius", nil, []string{"name"}),
+			"sensorStatus":      newServerMetric("redfish_thermal_sensor_status", "Current sensor status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name"}),
 		PowerMetrics = &metrics{
-			"supplyOutput":        newServerMetric("power_supply_output", "Power supply output in watts", nil, []string{"name", "sparePartNumber"}),
-			"supplyStatus":        newServerMetric("power_supply_status", "Current power supply status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name", "sparePartNumber"}),
-			"supplyTotalConsumed": newServerMetric("power_supply_total_consumed", "Total output of all power supplies in watts", nil, []string{}),
-			"supplyTotalCapacity": newServerMetric("power_supply_total_capacity", "Total output capacity of all the power supplies", nil, []string{}),
+			"supplyOutput":        newServerMetric("redfish_power_supply_output", "Power supply output in watts", nil, []string{"name", "sparePartNumber"}),
+			"supplyStatus":        newServerMetric("redfish_power_supply_status", "Current power supply status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name", "sparePartNumber"}),
+			"supplyTotalConsumed": newServerMetric("redfish_power_supply_total_consumed", "Total output of all power supplies in watts", nil, []string{}),
+			"supplyTotalCapacity": newServerMetric("redfish_power_supply_total_capacity", "Total output capacity of all the power supplies", nil, []string{}),
 		SwitchMetrics = &metrics{
-			"moonshotSwitchStatus": newServerMetric("moonshot_switch_status", "Current Moonshot switch status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name", "serialNumber"}),
+			"moonshotSwitchStatus": newServerMetric("redfish_moonshot_switch_status", "Current Moonshot switch status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name", "serialNumber"}),
 		SwitchThermalMetrics = &metrics{
-			"moonshotSwitchSensorTemperature": newServerMetric("moonshot_switch_thermal_sensor_temperature", "Current sensor temperature reading in Celsius", nil, []string{"name"}),
-			"moonshotSwitchSensorStatus":      newServerMetric("moonshot_switch_thermal_sensor_status", "Current sensor status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name"}),
+			"moonshotSwitchSensorTemperature": newServerMetric("redfish_moonshot_switch_thermal_sensor_temperature", "Current sensor temperature reading in Celsius", nil, []string{"name"}),
+			"moonshotSwitchSensorStatus":      newServerMetric("redfish_moonshot_switch_thermal_sensor_status", "Current sensor status 1 = OK, 0 = BAD", nil, []string{"name"}),
 		SwitchPowerMetrics = &metrics{
-			"moonshotSwitchSupplyOutput": newServerMetric("moonshot_switch_power_supply_output", "Power supply output in watts", nil, []string{"name"}),
+			"moonshotSwitchSupplyOutput": newServerMetric("redfish_moonshot_switch_power_supply_output", "Power supply output in watts", nil, []string{"name"}),
 		Metrics = &map[string]*metrics{