Below is a list of resources, created by people of diverse backgrounds, about how to facilitate inclusive spaces for (cis/trans) women, people of color, and people who identify as LGBTQIA.
- "How much it cost us to make more attendees feel safe and welcome at .concat() 2015" by Stephan Bönnemann
- "What Creating the Black Weblog Awards Taught Me" by Maurice Cherry
- "So you want to put on a diverse, inclusive conference" by Ashe Dryden
- "Strange Loop thoughts" by Bridget Hillyer
- "How to Have an Awesomely Inclusive and Radically Transparent Hackathon" by Liz Howard
- "Silicon Chef: Women-centric hardware hackathon" by Christina Liu
- "Organizing a Successful Open Source Sprint" by Becka Robbins
- "Python for Ada!" by Lynn Root
- "Interview: Ada Developers Academy" by Elise Worthy
- "A Code of Conduct is Not Enough" by Maggie Zhou, Alex Clemmer, and Lindsey Kuper
- "moving through a hierarchical system" by Amber Adams
- "Strange Loop 2014: Reflections on my first conference" by Kris Calabio
- "Strange Loop 2014" by Julia Evans
- "Unlocking the Invisible Elevator" by Liz Henry
- "Strange Loop - You had me at 'Strange'" by Margaret Staples
- "The week of Strange Loop" by Madhu Vishy
- "Five Days of Clojure Immersion at ClojureConj" by Persa Zula
- "Dear Marginalized People Coming Into Tech" by Kronda Adair
- "We Need Critique in Tech" by Ashe Dryden
- "Bringing More Women to Free and Open Source Software" by Karen Sandler
Useful for workshop volunteers not from the marginalised group(s) targeted by the workshop
- "So You Want To Be An Ally" by Julie Pagano