This chapter describes in detail the content and structure of the XML schema stc.xsd. The elements defined by the schema represent common concepts for ensuring traceability that are reused in many places of other XML schemes for the topic of simulation process traceability. The purpose of the extraction of these reused elements is to increase the flexibility and extensibility of the Glue Particles concept and to help to apply the Glue Particles concept to other topics in product and system engineering.
This element is used to encapsulate general information about the simulation task, which is not part of any specific phase or step.
The GeneralInformationType element is structured by the following subordinated element.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
DerivationChain |
Optional |
Link |
Optional |
The GeneralInformationType element is not associated with any attributes.
This element can be used to provide the set of file information that was used to derive the current file. I.e. if the content of the current file can be considered to be derived from one or a set of other STC files, then the top level meta data and DerivationChain information of those files should be included in their original order as entries in this file’s DerivationChain element.
The DerivationChain element is structured by the following subordinated element.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
DerivationChainEntry |
Optional |
The DerivationChain element is not associated with any attributes.
The DerivationChainEntry element is a single entry within the derivation chain.
The DerivationChainEntry element is not structured by subordinated elements.
The DerivationChainEntry element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
mandatory |
GUID identifier of a referenced STMD file. Must be globally unique and MUST change, whenever a new file with differing information is written. |
author |
Optional |
This attribute gives the name of the author of this file’s content. |
fileversion |
Optional |
This attribute gives a version number for this file’s content. |
copyright |
Optional |
This attribute gives copyright information for this file’s content. |
license |
Optional |
This attribute gives license information for this file’s content. |
generatingTool |
Optional |
This attribute gives the name of the tool that generated this file. |
generationDateAndTime |
Optional |
This attribute gives the date and time this file was generated. |
For the details of the Links element structure and attributes see chapter LinksType.
Common element content for all modeling elements of the file.
The GElementCommon element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Classification |
Optional |
Annotations |
Optional |
The GElementCommon element is not associated with any attributes.
The Classification element, which can occur multiple times, provides a set of classifications of an STMD modeling element, provided as Keyword Value Pairs (KWP), the meaning of which is interpreted according to the name of the classification provided in the name attribute. This approach can be used, for example, to provide searchable keywords for content, or to assign and track quality or validation level requirements across the STMD process, or to maintain variant or other classification content across the process.
The Classification element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
ClassificationEntry |
Optional |
The Classification element is associated with the following attribute.
Attribute name | Optional/ Mandatory | Attribute description |
type |
Optional |
This attribute provides the name of the type of classification being provided. The name should be unique across the Classification elements of the immediately enclosing element. In order to ensure uniqueness all types should be identified with reverse domain name notation (cf. Java package names or Apple UTIs) of a domain that is controlled by the entity defining the semantics and content of the classification. |
The ClassificationEntry element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
##any |
Optional |
The ClassificationEntry element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
keyword |
Mandatory |
This attribute gives the keyword for the classification entry (i.e. keyword value pair). It is left undefined whether this must be unique across the entries of the Classification element, or whether repeated entries are allowed. This will depend on the definition of the classification. |
xlink:type |
Fixed |
Has the fixed value |
xlink:href |
Optional |
This attribute gives an optional link for the classification entry (i.e. keyword value pair). This link can be given in addition to any content of the classification entry, or it can be the sole information of the classification entry. The rules will depend on the definition of the classification. |
The ClassificationEntry element may contain XML Elements of any kind, i.e. the STMD Schema provides the possibility and capability to code any kind of information regardless of what the STMD specifies. This means, the name, structure and attributes of XML elements enclosed by a ClassificationEntry element are completely free.
The Annotations element can be used to add a list of additional free style annotations.
The Annotations element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional/ Mandatory |
Annotation |
Optional |
The Annotations element is not associated with any attributes.
The Annotation element can be used to add a single free style annotation to the list of annotations.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
##any |
Optional |
The Annotation element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
type |
Mandatory |
The unique name of the type of the annotation. In order to ensure uniqueness all types should be identified with reverse domain name notation (cf. Java package names or Apple UTIs) of a domain that is controlled by the entity defining the semantics and content of the annotation. For vendor-specific annotations this would e.g. be a domain controlled by the tool vendor. For MAP-SSP defined annotations, this will be a domain under the org.modelica prefix. |
The Annotation element may contain XML Elements of any kind, i.e. the STMD Schema provides the possibility and capability to code any kind of information regardless of what the STMD specifies. This means, the name, structure and attributes of XML elements enclosed by an Annotation element are completely free.
Common element content for all phases.
The GPhaseCommon element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Links |
Optional |
LifeCycleInformation |
Optional |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The GPhaseCommon element is not associated with any attributes.
For the details of the Links element structure and attributes see chapter LinksType.
For the details of the LifeCyleInformation element structure and attributes see chapter LifeCycleInformationType.
For the details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.
The LifeCycleInformationType element defines the structure and attributes of lifecycle information about the enclosing phase or step element.
Due to the inherent dependencies of lifecycles, lifecycle information at later phases will be dependent on lifecycle status of former phases to a certain extent: For example, if the implementation phase is designated as having reached the status "Validated", it would create a contradiction if the requirements phase has only reached status "Drafted". Multiple lifecycle information entries can be present, in order to record the historical progression of the lifecycle status, however only the last entry in document order, which will also be of the highest maturity, will be considered valid for the current file contents, earlier states only recording historical data.
The LifeCycleInformationType element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Drafted |
Optional |
Defined |
Optional |
Validated |
Optional |
Approved |
Optional |
Archived |
Optional |
Retracted |
Optional |
The LifeCycleInformationType element is not associated with any attributes.
For details of the "Drafted" LifeCyleEntry element structure and attributes see chapter LifeCycleEntryType.
For details of the "Defined" LifeCyleEntry element structure and attributes see chapter LifeCycleEntryType
For details of the "Validated" LifeCyleEntry element structure and attributes see chapter LifeCycleEntryType
For details of the "Approved" LifeCyleEntry element structure and attributes see chapter LifeCycleEntryType
For details of the "Archived" LifeCyleEntry element structure and attributes see chapter LifeCycleEntryType
For details of the "Retracted" LifeCyleEntry element structure and attributes see chapter LifeCycleEntryType
The LifeCycleEntryType element defines the structure and the attributes of lifecycle information entries and therefor is the basis of the Drafted, Defined, Validated, Approved, Archived and Retracted XML elements.
The LifeCycleEntryType element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
GResourceOrReference |
Optional |
Responsible |
Mandatory |
Signature |
Optional |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The LifeCycleEntryType element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
date |
Mandatory |
Time-stamp when lifecycle entry was assigned. Note that the time stamp data type makes time zone information mandatory, so that a full ordering of times is possible. |
checksum |
Optional |
This attribute gives the checksum over the phase/step information stored in the enclosing phase/step element, calculated according to the STMD specification. This attribute is optional if the lifecycle stage is not Approved or Archived, but becomes required if the lifecycle stage is Approved or Archived. Optionally, digital signatures over this checksum can be provided using Signature elements in the enclosing lifecycle entry element. The checksum is calculated using the algorithm indicated by the checksumType attribute. |
checksumType |
Optional |
This attribute gives the algorithm for the calculation of the checksum attribute. MUST be SHA3-256 for now, indicating a SHA3 256bit secure hash algorithm, as specified in FIPS 202. In the future other checksum algorithms might be supported. |
For details of the GResourceOrReference element structure and attributes see chapter GResourceOrReference.
For details of the Responsible element structure and attributes see chapter ResponsibleType.
For details of the Signature element structure and attributes see chapter SignatureType.
For details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.
The StepType element defines the structure and attributes of an individual step inside a phase of the overall simulation task.
The StepType element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Input |
Optional |
Procedure |
Optional |
Output |
Optional |
Rationale |
Optional |
Links |
Optional |
LifeCycleInformation |
Optional |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The StepType element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
id |
Optional |
This attribute gives the model element a file-wide unique id which can be referenced from other elements or via URI fragment identifier. |
description |
Optional |
This attribute gives a human readable longer description of the model element, which can be shown to the user where appropriate. |
For the details of the Input element structure and attributes see chapter ParticleType.
For the details of the Procedure element structure and attributes see chapter ParticleType
For the details of the Output element structure and attributes see chapter ParticleType.
For the details of the Rationale element structure and attributes see chapter ParticleType.
For the details of the Links element structure and attributes see chapter LinksType.
For the details of the LifeCyleInformation element structure and attributes see chapter LifeCycleInformationType.
For details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.
The ParticleType element defines the structure and attributes of an individual particle inside a step of a phase of the overall simulation task.
The ParticleType element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
GResourceOrReference |
Optional |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The ParticleType element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
id |
Optional |
This attribute gives the model element a file-wide unique id which can be referenced from other elements or via URI fragment identifier. |
description |
Optional |
This attribute gives a human readable longer description of the model element, which can be shown to the user where appropriate. |
For details of the GResourceOrReference element structure and attributes see chapter GResourceOrReference.
For details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.
The LinksType element defines the structure and attributes for the linkage mechanism to use links within the stmd file as well as links to external resources outside the STMF file.
The LinksType element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Link |
Mandatory |
The LinksType element is not associated with any attributes.
The Link element represents a single links no mater if it is an STMD file internal link or a link targeted to the outside of the STMD file.
The Link element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Locator |
Mandatory |
Arc |
Optional |
The Link element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
xlink:type |
Fixed |
Has the fixed value |
xlink:title |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
xlink:role |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
The Locator element represents … Text fehlt noch
The Locator element is not structured by subordinated elements.
The Locator element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
xlink:type |
Fixed |
Has the fixed value |
xlink:href |
Mandatory |
Text fehlt noch |
xlink:label |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
xlink:title |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
xlink:role |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
The Arc element represents … Text fehlt noch
The Arc element is not structured by subordinated elements.
The Arc element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
xlink:type |
Fixed |
Has the fixed value |
xlink:from |
Mandatory |
Text fehlt noch |
xlink:to |
Mandatory |
Text fehlt noch |
xlink:title |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
xlink:arcrole |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
The ResourceType element defines the structure and attributes of information about a resource that is related to the particular step and particle. Multiple (or no) resources may be present.
The ResourceType element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Content |
Optional |
Summary |
Optional |
Metadata |
Optional |
Signature |
Optional |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The ResourceType element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
kind |
Mandatory |
This attribute indicates the kind of resource that is referenced, i.e. what role it plays in relation to the particle being described. |
scope |
Optional |
This attribute indicates the scope or level that a resource is specific to, i.e. whether the resource applies at a global, system, subsystem or component level. The use of this attribute is optional, i.e. it should only be specified where it makes sense to give this kind of information. |
type |
Mandatory |
This mandatory attribute specifies the MIME type of the resource, which does not have a default value. If no specific MIME type can be indicated, then the type application/octet-stream is to be used. |
source |
Optional |
This attribute indicates the source of the resource as a URI (cf. RFC 3986). For purposes of the resolution of relative URIs the base URI is the URI of the STMD. Therefore for resources that are located alongside the STMD, relative URIs without scheme and authority can and should be used to specify the component sources. For resources that are packaged inside an SSP that contains this STMD, this is mandatory (in this way, the STMD URIs remain valid after unpacking the SSP into the file system). If the source attribute is missing, the resource is provided inline as contents of the Content element, which must not be present otherwise. |
master |
Optional |
This attribute, if present, indicates the original, canonical master source for the resource. If it is present, it indicates that the content provided via source attribute and/or Content element is only a copy of the original, canonical data, and this attributes provides the URI reference to that original canonical master data. |
id |
Optional |
This attribute gives the model element a file-wide unique id which can be referenced from other elements or via URI fragment identifier. |
description |
Optional |
This attribute gives a human readable longer description of the model element, which can be shown to the user where appropriate. |
For details of the the Content element structure and attributes, see chapter ContentType.
The Summary element provides an optional summary of the resource being referenced. The summary information is intended for human consumption to get an overview of the resource content without looking at the content itself. The summary content can be provided inline through the Content element, or it can be provided through the source URI attribute.
The Summary element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Content |
Optional |
Signature |
Optional |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The Summary element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
type |
Mandatory |
This mandatory attribute specifies the MIME type of the resource summary, which does not have a default value. If no specific MIME type can be indicated, then the type application/octet-stream is to be used. If markdown content is used, then the type text/markdown shall be used. |
source |
Optional |
This attribute indicates the source of the resource summary as a URI (cf. RFC 3986). For purposes of the resolution of relative URIs the base URI is the URI of the STMD, if the sourceBase attribute is not specified or is specified as STMD, and the URI of the referenced resource if the sourceBase attribute is specified as resource. This allows the specification of summary sources that reside inside the resource (e.g. an FMU) through relative URIs. For summaries that are located alongside the STMD, relative URIs without scheme and authority can and should be used to specify the summary sources. For summaries that are packaged inside an SSP that contains this STMD, this is mandatory (in this way, the STMD URIs remain valid after unpacking the SSP into the filesystem). If the source attribute is missing, the summary is provided inline as contents of the Content element, which must not be resent otherwise. |
sourceBase |
Optional |
Defines the base the source URI is resolved against: If the attribute is missing or is specified as STMD, the source is resolved against the URI of the STMD, if the attribute is specified as resource the URI is resolved against the (resolved) URI of the resource source. |
For the details of the Content element structure and attributes see chapter ContentType
For the details of the Signature element structure and attributes see chapter SignatureType
For details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.
The MetaData element can specify additional metadata for the given resource. Multiple (or no) MetaData elements may be present.
The MetaData element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Content |
Optional |
Signature |
Optional |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The MetaData element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
kind |
Mandatory |
This attribute indicates the kind of resource meta data that is referenced, i.e. what role it plays in relation to the resource being described. |
type |
Mandatory |
This mandatory attribute specifies the MIME type of the resource meta data, which does not have a default value. If no specific MIME type can be indicated, then the type application/octet-stream is to be used. |
source |
Optional |
This attribute indicates the source of the resource meta data as a URI (cf. RFC 3986). For purposes of the resolution of relative URIs the base URI is the URI of the STMD, if the sourceBase attribute is ot specified or is specified as STMD, and the URI of the referenced resource if the sourceBase attribute is specified as resource. This allows the specification of meta data sources that reside inside the resource (e.g. an FMU) through relative URIs. For meta data that are located alongside the STMD, relative URIs without scheme and authority can and should be used to specify the meta data sources. For meta data that are packaged inside an SSP that contains this STMD, this is mandatory (in this way, the STMD URIs remain valid after unpacking the SSP into the file system). If the source attribute is missing, the meta data is provided inline as contents of the Content element, which must not be present otherwise. |
sourceBase |
Optional |
Defines the base the source URI is resolved against: If the attribute is missing or is specified as STMD, the source is resolved against the URI of the STMD, if the attribute is specified as resource the URI is resolved against the (resolved) URI of the resource source. |
For the details of the Content element structure and attributes see chapter ContentType
For the details of the Signature element structure and attributes see chapter SignatureType
For details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.
For the details of the Annotations element structure and attributes see chapter Annotations
For the details of the Signatutre element structure and attributes see chapter SignatureType
For details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.
The SignatureType element defines the structure and attributes of the signature entity for a given step or phase.
The SignatureType element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Content |
Optional |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The SignatureType element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
role |
Mandatory |
This mandatory attribute specifies the role this signature has in the overall process. It indicates whether the digital signature is intended to just convey the authenticity of the information, or whether a claim for suitability of the information for certain purposes is made. In the latter case, the digital signature format should include detailed information about what suitability claims are being made. |
type |
Mandatory |
This mandatory attribute specifies the MIME type of the resource signature, which does not have a default value. If no specific MIME type can be indicated, then the type application/octet-stream is to be used. |
source |
Optional |
This attribute indicates the source of the resource signature as a URI (cf. RFC 3986). For purposes of the resolution of relative URIs the base URI is the URI of the STMD, if the sourceBase attribute is not specified or is specified as STMD, and the URI of the referenced resource if the sourceBase attribute is specified as resource. This allows the specification of signature sources that reside inside the resource (e.g. an FMU) through relative URIs. For signatures that are located alongside the STMD, relative URIs without scheme and authority can and should be used to specify the signature sources. For signatures that are packaged inside an SSP that contains this STMD, this is mandatory (in this way, the STMD URIs remain valid after unpacking the SSP into the filesystem). If the source attribute is missing, the signature is provided inline as contents of the Content element, which must not be present otherwise. |
sourdceBase |
Optional |
Defines the base the source URI is resolved against: If the attribute s missing or is specified as STMD, the source is resolved against the URI of the STMD, if the attribute is specified as resource the URI is resolved against the (resolved) URI of the resource source. |
For details of the Content element structure and attributes see chapter ContentType
For details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.
The ContentType element defines the structure and attributes of inline content of an entity. If it is present, then the attribute source of the enclosing element must not be present.
The ContentType element is structured by following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
##any |
Optional |
The ContentType is not associated with any attributes.
The ContentType may contain XML Elements of any kind, i.e. the STMD Schema provides the possibility and capability to code any kind of information regardless of what the STMD specifies. This mean the name, structure and attributes of XML elements enclosed by a contentType element is completely free.
The ResponsibleType element defines the structure and attributes of the responsible entry for a lifecycle entry of a step or a phase of the overall simulation task.
The ResponsibleType element is not structured by subordinated elements.
The ResponsibleType element is associated with the following attributes.
Attribute name | Optional / Mandatory | Attribute description |
organization |
Optional |
This attribute gives the organization that is responsible for a given step. |
role |
Optional |
This attribute gives the role of the person that is responsible for a given step. |
name |
Optional |
This attribute gives the name of the person that is responsible for a given step. |
The GResourceOrReference element … Text fehlt noch
The GResourceOrReference element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
Resource |
Mandatory |
ResourceReference |
Mandatory |
The GResourceOrReference element is not associated with any attributes.
For the details of the Resource element structure and attributes see chapter ResourceType
The ResourceReference element … Text fehlt noch
The ResourceReference element is structured by the following subordinated elements.
Sub element name | Optional / Mandatory |
GElementCommon |
Optional |
The ResourceRefernece element is associated with the following attribute.
Attribute name | Optional/ Mandatory | Attribute description |
xlink:type |
Fixed |
Has the fixed value |
xlink:href |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
id |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
description |
Optional |
Text fehlt noch |
For details of the GElementCommon element structure and attributes see chapter GElementCommon.