- Prisoner's dilemma
- a non-zero-sum game
- dominant strategy
- weakly dominant strategy
- strictly dominant strategy
- produces the highest payoff of any strategy available for every possible action by the other players.
- Predictions are particularly easy when there are dominant strategies.
- An individual does not have to make any predictions about what other players might do, and still has a well-defined best strategy.
- Nash Equilibrium
- pure strategy Nash equilibrium
- each player’s strategy is a best response (results in the highest available payoff) against the equilibrium strategies of the other players.
- != dominant strategy
- only requires that the action taken by each agent be best against the actual equilibrium actions taken by the other players, and not necessarily against all possible actions of the other players.
- A profile of dominant strategies is a Nash equilibrium but not vice versa.
- != dominant strategy
- A Nash equilibrium has the nice property that it is stable.
- No player regrets having played the action that he or she played in a Nash equilibrium.
- each player’s strategy is a best response (results in the highest available payoff) against the equilibrium strategies of the other players.
- poviding everyone is rational (can make the best choice), if all of the other play the Nash Equilibrium, then a player can not make better choice than not playing the Nash Equilibrium
证明了平衡不动点解是存在的,却不能指出如何去找到规模太小 (两三个节点)这个假设的不完善处,可能比假设大家都是合作的更严重。一个庞大社会里的人极不可能全部都是合作的,非合作的情况通常在庞大对象的情形中更普遍,而在两三个节点的小规模经济中倒反而影响较小。既然改了合作前提为非合作前提,却仍然停留在两三个节点的小规模博弈论中,这是一个不可忽视的缺陷。
- pure strategy Nash equilibrium
- An Advertising Game
- Split or Steal