diff --git a/packages/staking-cli/README.avalanche.md b/packages/staking-cli/README.avalanche.md index 212c225..ad62661 100644 --- a/packages/staking-cli/README.avalanche.md +++ b/packages/staking-cli/README.avalanche.md @@ -103,3 +103,6 @@ https://testnet.avascan.info/blockchain/p/tx/TD2Qc6WHwnQ9fiaLBqr61KkiWUCkDKotA6G ``` NOTE: In Avalanche, there is no undelegation concept. Instead, users stake tokens for a specific period, usually starting from 14 days. + +## Demo +[](https://asciinema.org/a/F45uaKU8hfTt8q8RDfBeXMfXT) diff --git a/packages/staking-cli/README.cosmos.md b/packages/staking-cli/README.cosmos.md index 392bc3d..4489bf2 100644 --- a/packages/staking-cli/README.cosmos.md +++ b/packages/staking-cli/README.cosmos.md @@ -85,3 +85,6 @@ As you can see, the message type is `MsgDelegate`, and the contents specify the Please be sure to always check the messages included in your transaction, the amount, addresses, and the fee (which should be minimal and cost no more than `1000000utia` = `1 TIA`). - Any amount specified in the fee is distributed among the validators, therefore it is important to ensure the amount is acceptable. + +### Demo +[](https://asciinema.org/a/UVLxguriRY7qrbfmaMMsccnxJ) diff --git a/packages/staking-cli/README.ethereum.md b/packages/staking-cli/README.ethereum.md index beda1ca..6ce5ca6 100644 --- a/packages/staking-cli/README.ethereum.md +++ b/packages/staking-cli/README.ethereum.md @@ -41,3 +41,6 @@ chorus-one-staking ethereum tx burn 1 -c ./config.ethreum.json --broadcast ``` Please note, the CLI is interactive. It will prompt you before signing a transaction and broadcasting it, giving you time to review its contents. + +### Demo +[](https://asciinema.org/a/eMe1QeTwN2WvsQtDvHefkws72) diff --git a/packages/staking-cli/README.near.md b/packages/staking-cli/README.near.md index 402c80c..1e2f842 100644 --- a/packages/staking-cli/README.near.md +++ b/packages/staking-cli/README.near.md @@ -29,3 +29,6 @@ chorus-one-staking near tx withdraw 1 -c ./config.near.json --broadcast ``` Please note, the CLI is interactive. It will prompt you before signing a transaction and broadcasting it, giving you time to review its contents. + +### Demo +[](https://asciinema.org/a/nHT85edPgKkx5CC4jtHSK5VaB) diff --git a/packages/staking-cli/README.polkadot.md b/packages/staking-cli/README.polkadot.md index 69a8419..a11bdd3 100644 --- a/packages/staking-cli/README.polkadot.md +++ b/packages/staking-cli/README.polkadot.md @@ -49,3 +49,6 @@ chorus-one-staking substrate tx withdraw -c ./config.polkadot.json --broadcast ``` Please note, the CLI is interactive. It will prompt you before signing a transaction and broadcasting it, giving you time to review its contents. + +### Demo +[](https://asciinema.org/a/nnfeDMDjiIwQjYSCRfDJHyeff) diff --git a/packages/staking-cli/README.ton.md b/packages/staking-cli/README.ton.md index c0c8228..e5a8df0 100644 --- a/packages/staking-cli/README.ton.md +++ b/packages/staking-cli/README.ton.md @@ -38,3 +38,6 @@ The nominator pool contract doesn't allow partial unstaking. It is only possible {% endhint %} Please note, the CLI is interactive. It will prompt you before signing a transaction and broadcasting it, giving you time to review its contents. + +### Demo +[](https://asciinema.org/a/EyCXCh6naN1MvMJH7TXjINPk7)