If you have found a bug in AzStorage.jl or have any suggestions for changes to AzStorage.jl functionality, please consider filing an issue using the GitHub isssue tracker. Please do not forget to search for an existing issue which may already cover your suggestion.
We try to follow GitHub flow (https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/) for making changes to AzStorage.jl.
Contributors retain copyright on their contributions, and the MIT license (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) applies to the contribution.
The basic steps to making a contribution are as follows, and assume some knowledge of git:
- fork the AzStorage.jl repository
- create an appropriately titled branch for your contribution
- if applicable, add a unit-test to ensure the functionality of your contribution
(see the
subfolder). - run
]test AzStorage
in thetest
folder - make a pull-request
- have fun
We try to follow the same coding conventions as https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia. This primarily means using 4 spaces to indent (no tabs). In addition, we make a best attempt to follow the guidelines in the style guide chapter of the julia manual: https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/style-guide/