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File metadata and controls

178 lines (132 loc) · 4.37 KB

pandss - any DSS

A simplified, unified HEC-DSS Library for Python

DSS interactions for DSS 6 and 7. This library sits on top of smarter packages that came before it. Learn the pandss API, and use the speed of other DSS libraries without neededing to switch APIs with every file. Engines currently supported include pyhecdss, and pydsstools.


  • DSS version 6, 7
  • Reading catalogs
  • Reading regular timeseries
  • Writing regular timeseries

In development:

  • Irregular timeseries


Do you want to add support for a new DSS engine? Add a module under pandss.engines that implements the methods on pandss.engines.EngineABC, and add a lookup in get_engine to your new module. Pull requests are encouraged.


Check out our documentation on the GitHub IO Page.

Quick Examples

Read Catalog

Read the file using the module-level utility function:

import pandss as pdss

# Read the catalog and close the HEC-DSS file immediately
file = "example.dss"
catalog = pdss.read_catalog(file)

Read the catalog using the DSS context manager:

import pandss as pdss

file = "example.dss"
with pdss.DSS(file) as dss:
    # Read the catalog, but the HEC-DSS file remains open
    catalog = dss.read_catalog()

Read Regular Timeseries

Read data, knowing the full name ahead of time:

import pandss as pdss

file = "example.dss"
# You do not need to specify the D-part
path = pdss.DatasetPath(b="B")
regular_time_series = pdss.read_rts(file, path)

Read data, with wildcards:

import pandss as pdss

file = "example.dss"
# Use regular expressions that conform to the python re module to match paths
path = pdss.DatasetPath(b=".*", c="C")
for regular_time_series in pdss.read_multiple_rts(file, path):

Read all data from a DSS file:

import pandss as pdss

file = "example.dss"
with pdss.DSS(file) as dss:
    catalog = dss.read_catalog()
    for regular_time_series in dss.read_multiple_rts(catalog):

Copy data between DSS files:

old_dss = "old.dss"
old_paths = (
new_dss = "new.dss"
new_paths = (
    "/CALSIM/MONTH_DAYS/DAY//1MON/L2020A/",  # Same name ok
    "/CALSIM/PPT_OROV_NEW/PRECIP//1MON/L2020A/",  # Changed name ok too
    zip(p_old, p_new),

Objects and their attributes


This object contains the information stored in a single Regular Timeseries in a DSS file. The values and dates are stored in numpy.array objects, and the other attributes are saved on the object. Some attributes are not supported by all engines.

class RegularTimeseries:
    path: DatasetPath
    values: NDArray[float64]
    dates: NDArray[datetime64]
    period_type: str
    units: str
    interval: int

    # methods
    def to_frame() -> pandas.DataFrame:


This object represents the collection of all paths in a DSS file. It is a subclass of pdss.DatasetPathCollection which has the additional attribute of src. It is searchable via the findall method.

class Catalog:
    src: Path
    paths: set(DatasetPath)

    # methods
    def from_strs() -> Catalog:
    def from_frame() -> Catalog:
    def findall() -> DatasetPathCollection:


This object represents the path to a single dataset in a DSS file. It is made up of A-F parts. Each of the parts may contain regular expressions that could be used to search a collection containing many DatasetPath objects for matching patterns. Two attributes on this object determine if the object uses wildcards:

  • has_wildcard: True if any part (other than the D part) uses wildcards, False otherwise.
  • has_any_wildcard: True if any part uses wildcards, False otherwise.
class DatasetPath:
    a: str
    b: str
    c: str
    d: str
    e: str
    f: str

    # properties
    def has_wildcard() -> bool:
    def has_any_wildcard() -> bool:
    # methods
    def drop_date() -> DatasetPath: