This document explains the structure used to document a database function in the JSON format. The property suffixed with * is required in the json document.
Under the database vendor directory, each json file describes the syntax of a function.
Name of the function. Function has the same name but has the different arguments syntax will be documented in a different file.
Array of the argument object. This list is empty when a function has no argument.
Function argument includes the following properties.
- arguName*, argument name.
- dataTypes, dataType of the argument, an argument may has more than one dataType, so this property is type of array.
- description, explanation of this argument.
- optional, is this argument optional in the argument list.
- repeated, is this argument should be repeated in the list.
- inoutMode, values are passed to a function in three modes; IN, OUT and INOUT.
The mode which a variable is passed defines how the variables can be used inside the function.
A list of clause.
SQL clause used in the function, such as over clause in analytic function. The clause includes the following properties:
- clauseName*, Name of this clause.
- clauseContext
"clause": {
"clauseName": "over",
"clauseContent": "[ partition_by_clause ] [order_by_clause] [ ROW_or_RANGE_clause ] ) "
Return dataType of this function.
Explanation of this function.
The database version this function is applied to. "+" after the version number means all version including and after this version.
"targetDBs": [
"Azure SQL Database",
"Azure SQL Warehouse",
"Parallel Data Warehouse"
The category this function belongs to, such as string function.
Compatible with ANSI SQL.
The package this function belongs to, usually, it's Oracle plsql function.
The online document for this function.
Sample SQL including this function.
This is an example of the json code that represents the ASCII function in SQL Server database.
"funcName": "ASCII",
"arguments": [
"argument": {
"arguName": "character_expression",
"dataTypes": [
"description": "An expression of type char or varchar"
"returnType": "int",
"description": "Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of a character expression",
"targetDBs": [
"Azure SQL Database",
"Azure SQL Warehouse",
"Parallel Data Warehouse"
"category": "String",
"ansiCompatible": "",
"package": "",
"docLink": "",
"sample": "SELECT ASCII('A') AS A, ASCII('B') AS B, \nASCII('a') AS a, ASCII('b') AS b, \nASCII(1) AS [1], ASCII(2) AS [2];"