Development of Cartography, WebMaps and Apps in ArcGIS
Elaboration and cartographic production in the ArcGIS platform, ArcGIS online and other ESRI products.
Dashboards developed in ArcGIS | Url |
Localização geográfica da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paranapanema | Url |
Classificação climática Köppen-Geiger BHRP | Url |
Variação 2001-2023 precipitação e evapotranspiração potencial | Url |
Variação 2001-2023 índices SPI e SPEI | Url |
Previsão 2023-2025 precipitação e ETP | Url |
Previsão Índice SPEI-3 e SPEI-6 | Url |
Web Experience developed in ArcGIS | Url |
Localization Map Paranapanema River Basin | Url |
Köppen-Geiger Climate Paranapanema River Basin | Url |
Spatial and temporal evapotranspiration Paranapanema River Basin | Url |
Spatial and temporal precipitation patterns throughout 2023 – 2025 | Url |
Web Maps developed in ArcGIS | Url |
Köppen-Geiger climate classification in the Paranapanema River Basin | Url |
Localização Geral Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paranapanema | Url |
Unidades Hidrelétricas(UHEs) e Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCHs) | Url |
Unidades de Planejamento Hidrológico (UPHs) | Url |
Municipios Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paranapanema | Url |
Instant Apps developed in ArcGIS | Url |
3D vista Rio Paranapanema e Massas d'agua | Url |
the development of Cartography, WebMaps and Apps in ArcGIS, was carried out by Carlos Mendez, identified with the user Camendezv_UDFJC
The original data published in ArcGIS, are available in:
The author declare that there is no conflict of interest in the publication of this data and have approved it for publication.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.