We are a team based in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore.
Component in charge of: Logic
Aspects/tools in charge of: Integration with natty, API of components
Features implemented:
- Recurrence of events
- Escaping of command keywords in to-do description by wrapping it in backticks #113
command- Deletion of tags, time constraints and recurrence of to-dos with
command #98 - Flexible parsing of datetimes for formats:
from ... to ...
andon ...
Code written: [functional code] [test code] [docs]
Other major contributions:
- Team lead
- Set up Travis and Coveralls
- Did morphing of Logic from AddressBook for CommanDo #5
- Improved on content of user and developer guides
- Updated diagrams in developer guide
Component in charge of: UI
Aspects/tools in charge of: JavaFX, UI Design
Features implemented:
command- Prettifying of datetime on GUI
- Splitting to Events and Tasks panels and layout of GUI #61
- User-friendly feedback messages for invalid input #115
- Usability enhancements of using Tab and arrow keys to switch focus between panels and command box, as well as allowing the user to navigate through his/her command history #95
Code written: [functional code] [test code] [docs]
Other major contributions:
- Set up Github pages for user and developer guide
- Added and improved CSS styling for user and developer guide
- Drafted user and developer guide
Component in charge of: Storage
Aspects/tools in charge of: UI prototypes (using Photoshop), JAXB (XML Binding)
Features implemented:
- Use of multiple indices in
commands #106 export
- Use of multiple indices in
Code written: [functional code] [test code] [docs]
Other major contributions:
- Did morphing of Storage from AddressBook for CommanDo #3
- Improved developer guide based on feedback
- Improved overall coding style issues based on feedback from codacy
- Prepared sample data of more than 50 to-dos for testing
Components in charge of: Model
Aspects/tools in charge of: Testing, TestFX
Features implemented:
- Adding of tags to to-dos
command- GUI testing #104
Code written: [functional code] [test code] [docs]
Other major contributions:
- Formatted developer guide appendices
- Added use cases in developer guide
- Did morphing of Model from AddressBook for CommanDo #4
- Improved test coverage to 90%