This project consists in a command line named rastertools that enables to run several processing on raster files, typically Sentinel2 raster images:
- compute radiometric indices (e.g. ndvi).
- compute the time derivative of the radiometry of two raster images.
- generate a timeseries of rasters from a set of input rasters; a linear interpolation and a gap filling are performed.
- compute statistics such as min, max, mean, etc. Statistics can be computed on the whole raster image or can be computed on several geometries defined with a vector file - e.g. geojson or shapefile.
- split input image raster in tiles following the geometries defined in a vector file.
- apply a filter (median, local sum, local mean, adaptive gaussian)
- compute the Sky View Factor and the Hillshades of input rasters that represent a Digital Surface/Elevation/Height Model.
The aim of rastertools is also to make the use of the following raster products transparent:
- Sentinel-2 L1C PEPS (available here:
- Sentinel-2 L2A PEPS (available here:
- Sentinel-2 L2A THEIA (available here:
- Sentinel-2 L3A THEIA (available here:
- SPOT 6/7 Ortho GEOSUD (available here:
rastertools accept any of this raster product as input files. No need to unpack the archive to get the raster files containing the different bands, to merge the bands, extract the region of interest and so on: rastertools does it.
rastertools also accepts additional custom raster types. The new raster types shall be defined in a JSON file and provided as an argument of the rastertools CLI (cf. Usage)
rastertools has a public API that enables to activate all the tools and extend their capabilities (e.g. add a new radiometric indice).
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :caption: Installation install
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :caption: Usage cli usage rasterproduct
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :caption: Development private_api
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :caption: About license authors changelog