- remove numpy<2 dependency
- remove condition to cast cost volume on int
- github CI to work
- Updated refs with pandora cpp last version
- Update github CI with python wheel (remove --sdist only)
- quick fix to not use int optimization of cost volume when confidence is used []
- Upgrade libsgm >0.5.0 with pybind evolution. works on python>3.10.
- no change from alpha1 after test.
- Update numpy version. [#103]
- Fix numpy version.
- Update setup.cfg file with new pandora version.
- Change deprecated alias in setup.cfg. [#92]
- Update use_confidence parameter type. [#101]
- Added margin calculation for the treatment chain with ROI image. [#85]
- Update user configuration file with new keys : "left" & "right". [#84]
- Updating information in the various xarrays. [#96]
- Replacing sys.exit by raises. [#97]
- Move allocate_cost_volume. [#86]
- Change pkg_resources to importlib.metadata. [#99]
- Update of the minimal version for python. [#100]
- Adding check for geometric_prior option in check_conf function. [#88]
- New format for disparity in the user configuration file. [#87]
- Change read_img function to create_dataset_from_inputs. [#83]
- Update with new API of Pandora run and compute_cost_volume function. [#94]
- Update warnings mentioning semantic_segmentation step in pipeline.
- Adapt tests to new check conf pandora's format. [#77]
- Add multiband classifications. [#76]
- Deletion of the pip install codecov of githubAction CI.
- Multiband images compatibility. [#72]
- Rename confidence name and adapt it to snakecase [#73]
- Test notebook from githubAction [#70]
- Add 3SGM (Semantic Segmentation for SGM) method.
- Force python version >= 3.7. [#63]
- Delete MCCNN accurate penalties. [#67]
- Change values for default penalties of MC CNN fast [#65]
- Udpate dependency to Pandora 1.3.0
Update python packaging.
- Version handling with setuptools_scm
- Confidence can be used as weights for cost volume.
- Udpate dependency to Pandora 1.1.0 and libSGM 0.4.0
- Penalties method : removes mc_cnn_penalty parameter, added mc_cnn_fast_penalty and mc_cnn_accurate_penalty parameters to be able to automatically load the penalties according to the type of measure.
- Change compute_penalty to take images datasets as input.
- Update depency to Pandora 1.0.0 version.[#59]
- Move /conf to /tests directory [#49]
- Update depency to Pandora 0.5.0 version.
- Update dependency to libSGM 0.3.1 version (disable parallel python implementation of SGM)
- Update depency to Pandora 0.4.0 version.
- Penalties registration : fix the import of penalties [#46]
- Update dependency to Pandora 0.3.0 version.
- min_cost_paths calculation: fix creation of temporary disparity map to avoid dangerous DataArray manipulation. [#43]