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Installing on Windows

petervanderdoes edited this page Jul 27, 2012 · 26 revisions

Installing on Windows

The below instructions are unsupported. The installation files need to be updated.

For Windows users, msysgit is a good starting place for installing git.


For Windows users who wish to use the automated install, it is suggested that you install Cygwin first to install tools like git, util-linux and wget (with those three being packages that can be selected during installation). Then simply run this command from a Cygwin shell in your $HOME:

$ wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate | bash

If you get the error "flags: FATAL unable to determine getopt version" error after

$ git flow init

you need to install the util-linux package using the Cygwin setup.


Download and install getopt.exe from the util-linux package into C:\Program Files\Git\bin. (Only getopt.exe, the others util-linux files are not used). Also install libintl3.dll from the Dependencies package, into the same directory.

Clone the git-flow sources from GitHub:

$ git clone --recursive git://
$ cd gitflow

Run the msysgit-install script from a command-line prompt (you may have to run it with "Full Administrator" rights if you installed msysgit with its installer):

C:\gitflow> contrib\msysgit-install.cmd

Note This will not copy the example hook files, only the needed executables.