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Peter van der Does edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 31 revisions

What is git-flow AVH Edition

git-flow AVH Edition is a collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
The AVH Edition adds more functionality to the existing git-flow and several of the internal commands have been rewritten to speed up the software.

Installing git-flow


Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the FAQ Page.


If you want to contribute to git-flow AVH edition there are some easy ways to help out.

The most important and easiest way to contribute is by using the software and reporting any issues you encounter or if you would like to see a new feature suggest it here at github.

You can also help us out by coding bugfixes and/or new features.

If you plan to code a large change, a new feature or just a major overhaul of some existing code, it's best to discuss this before coding.


We have set up some simple guidelines and policies to keep things simple and streamlined.