Releases: CIRDLES/Squid
Provides a feature-rich upgrade to Mass audit panel, inspired by requests from @NicoleRayner.
This release encapsulates all the advances during the past 6 months including major advances in translating the Squid 2.50 arithmetic, which is still a work in progress, providing for importing Squid 2.50 tasks from Excel files, designing and implementing a robust Squid expression builder / editor, and advancing the tools for serialization of tasks and expressions using XML. This is a pre-release and is designed for collaborative review with potential users. If you wish to help advance this project please contact us via this repository.
Note: we are not supporting Java beyond 1.8 at this time.
FYI: The Squid jar file will produce four co-located folders:
- ExamplePrawnXMLFiles, containing 3 Prawn files as examples. The PrawnFile 100142_G6147_10111109.43.xml also has a 10-peak task and a Squid project file included in this folder - please explore.
- LudwigLibraryJavadoc, containing the HTML files for exploring our parallel work in porting Ken Ludwig's VBA code for Isoplot and Squid 2.50 to Java for use as a library. Open index.html to explore the API. The API can also be launched from Squid's help menu.
- Schema, containing the current, unfinished, XML schema that support serialization of tasks and expressions.
- Squid3_Reports_v0.3.0, containing reports produced by the menu Reports / Built-in Reports / Produce Sanity check reports, each report is a CSV file containing basic results of Squid arithmetic for comparison with Squid 2.50, as described here (previously known as Calamari).
Incorporates these features in addition to new expressions specified by @sbodorkos and bug fixes and refactoring. A work in progress:
PrawnFile/Manage Spots window now features filtering for Concentration Reference Material spots
Task window has additional info in the Audit pane and a Parent Calculation check box, which has no effect yet.
Ratios/Isotopes window has new column with drop down boxes for U/Th - bearing )auto-detected, but changeable) and the ability to align the Mass Stations with the Task or vice-versa. In the examples I provided I have used the bottom button to apply Task labels to Mass Stations.
Expressions widow features two drop-down selectors in the upper left to filter the view and the ability to use a browser instead of local graphing of expressions on the right tab.
Visualizations window features a Topsoil demo with canned data from ET_Redux as a test-of-concept.
Advances expression handling to accommodate Halfnium Prawn file and Squid2.5 task supplied by @cwmagee. Replicates results of Squid2.5, but need to check against the latest Squid2.5 from @sbodorkos . This release includes the addition of Excel's 'average' function and the detection of the user's choice of background species.