This module holds all DB related utilities, which are necessary to install and run Perun.
Oracle (>11)support for Oracle was dropped in 3.10.0- Postgres (>=9.5)
Data in Perun is stored using UTF-8 charset. When using Oracle DB, some columns are limited to 4000 of ASCII characters (1000 with full UTF-8 set).
Theses instructions doesn't cover creation of initial user (perun admin) and setting up other components like Apache and Tomcat. For complete installation instructions please refer to our wiki.
Empty schema of Perun's database can be created using postgres.sql. Before running sql files please fill or edit username/schema/password in them to match your setting.
- Create user perun and grant it access from localhost.
- Create schema perun and grant all privileges to user perun.
- Install official extension unaccent and add it to schema perun (must be performed by user perun with temporary elevated privileges).
- Log-in as user perun and run postgres.sql to create empty tables.