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Runner Action


This action is intended for internal use. This action will not work if you use it in a repository outside of CDCgov or CDCent.

This action allows you to securely run scripts on the Azure Container App runners in the Azure subscription from public runners. A Github App is required with 'read' permissions for Actions, Contents, and Metadata on the CDCEnt repo cfa-cdcgov-actions. If you do not have a GitHub App, you can find an app id and pem in the CFA Predict Key Vault. If you have an existing GitHub App or would like to request a new one, you can reach out to the CDC GitHub team.

Behind the scenes, this action encrypts the input script and uses repository_dispatch to pass the script to the cfa-cdcgov-actions repo to run on a self-hosted Azure Container App runner.

    participant Runner as 'cdcgov/cfa-actions/runner-action'
    participant Receiver as 'cdcent/cfa-cdcgov-actions'

    Runner->>Runner: Generate AES Key
    Runner->>Runner: Encrypt Script with AES Key
    Runner->>Receiver: Send Encrypted Script and AES Key
    Receiver->>Receiver: Decrypt AES Key with Private Key
    Receiver->>Receiver: Decrypt Script with AES Key
    Receiver->>Receiver: Run Script

    alt inputs.wait_for_completion == true
        loop Polling
            Runner->>Receiver: Check Status
            Receiver->>Runner: Return Status
    alt inputs.print_logs == true
        Runner->>Receiver: Get Logs
        Receiver->>Runner: Return Logs
        Runner->>Runner: Print Logs

The Container App runners have some limitations compared to ubuntu-latest, namely the absence of docker and lack of access to apt-get for software installation. See the Predict handbook for more info on the Container App runners.

Inputs and Outputs

Field Description Required Default
github_app_id A GitHub App ID installed on CDCEnt true
github_app_pem The PEM-encoded private key for the GitHub APP true
script A bash script to be run on the Azure self-hosted runner true
wait_for_completion true/false option to wait for the dispatched workflow to complete false false
print_logs true/false option to print the action logs once the workflow has completed false false
max_retries integer with max number of retries when using wait_for_completion or print_logs false 20
retry_interval integer representing the number of seconds between retries false 15

Examples and Usage

The script passed to this action is a normal bash script which means marketplace actions can't be used here.

The following example uses the az acr import command to pull an image from GHCR to ACR:

    name: Import image from GHCR
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: ACR Import
      uses: CDCgov/cfa-actions/[email protected] # check cfa-actions repo for latest tag
        github_app_id: ${{ secrets.CDCENT_ACTOR_APP_ID }}
        github_app_pem: ${{ secrets.CDCENT_ACTOR_APP_PEM }}
        wait_for_completion: true
        print_logs: true
        script: |
          IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}:${{ steps.image-tag.outputs.tag }}

          az login --service-principal \
          --username ${{ fromJSON(secrets.AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL).clientId }} \
          --password ${{ fromJSON(secrets.AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL).clientSecret }} \
          --tenant ${{ fromJSON(secrets.AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL).tenantId }}

          az acr import --name ${{ env.REGISTRY }} \
            --source "$IMAGE_TAG" \
            --username '${{ github.repository_owner }}'\
            --password ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} \
            --image "$IMAGE_TAG" \
            --force && echo 'Copied image!'

          if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            echo "Failed to copy image"

With the wait_for_completion and print_logs parameters set to true, the workflow will enter a polling loop and then print the logs. The logs from the self-hosted runner will be prefixed with a timestamp. Here is what the output for this workflow run would look like:

Workflow run status: queued
Waiting for 15 seconds before retrying...
Workflow run status: in_progress
Waiting for 15 seconds before retrying...
Workflow run status: completed
Workflow run completed with conclusion: success
Fetching logs from:
Logs have been downloaded and unzipped to the run_logs directory.
Run # decrypt AES key using RSA private key
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2034431Z [
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2040343Z   ***
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2041331Z     "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2042427Z     "homeTenantId": "<redacted>",
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2047074Z     "id": "<redacted>",
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2053012Z     "isDefault": true,
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2053992Z     "managedByTenants": [
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2054822Z       ***
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2055691Z         "tenantId": "<redacted>"
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2056638Z       ***
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2057360Z     ],
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2058150Z     "name": "EXT-EDAV-CFA-PRD",
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2059013Z     "state": "Enabled",
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2059963Z     "tenantId": "<redacted>",
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2061020Z     "user": ***
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2061893Z       "name": "<redacted>",
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2062871Z       "type": "servicePrincipal"
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2063699Z     ***
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2064406Z   ***
2025-03-07T21:09:54.2065705Z ]
2025-03-07T21:09:54.8360735Z WARNING: The login server endpoint suffix '' is automatically omitted.
2025-03-07T21:10:06.2097970Z Copied image!

If you have existing scripts in your repository, you can access them by using git clone in your script:

    name: Run a script from the repo
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Run Script
      uses: CDCgov/cfa-actions/[email protected] # check cfa-actions repo for latest tag
        github_app_id: ${{ secrets.CDCENT_ACTOR_APP_ID }}
        github_app_pem: ${{ secrets.CDCENT_ACTOR_APP_PEM }}
        wait_for_completion: true
        print_logs: true
        script: |
          git clone${{ github.repository }}.git

          cd repo-name

          chmod +x