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File metadata and controls

43 lines (38 loc) · 2.41 KB


A guide for building great Rails apps.

  • Use def self.method, not the scope :method
  • Use methods instead of instance variables in ViewComponent templates
  • Use i18n for all text within the application.
  • Name date columns with _on suffixes.
  • Name datetime columns with _at suffixes.
  • Name time columns (referring to a time of day with no date) with _time suffixes.
  • Name initializers for their gem name.
  • Order ActiveRecord associations alphabetically by association type, then attribute name.
  • Order ActiveRecord validations alphabetically by attribute name.
  • Order ActiveRecord associations above ActiveRecord validations.
  • Order controller contents: filters, public methods, private methods.
  • Order i18n translations alphabetically by key name.
  • Order model contents: constants, macros, public methods, private methods.
  • Use link_to for GET requests, and button_to for other HTTP verbs.
  • Use new-style validates :name, presence: true validations, and put all validations for a given column together.
  • Avoid bypassing validations with methods like save(validate: false), update_attribute, and toggle.
  • Avoid naming methods after database columns in the same class.
  • Don't return false from ActiveModel callbacks, but instead raise an exception.
  • Keep db/schema.rb or db/development_structure.sql under version control.
  • Use _url suffixes for named routes in mailer views and redirects. Use \_path suffixes for named routes everywhere else.
  • Validate the associated belongs_to object (user), not the database column (user_id).
  • Use db/seeds.rb for data that is required in all environments.
  • Use dev:prime rake task for development environment seed data.
  • Prefer cookies.signed over cookies to prevent tampering.
  • Prefer Time.current over
  • Prefer Date.current over
  • Prefer"2014-07-04 16:05:37") over Time.parse("2014-07-04 16:05:37")
  • Use ENV.fetch for environment variables instead of ENV[]so that unset environment variables are detected on deploy.


  • Don't change a migration after it has been merged into main if the desired change can be solved with another migration.
  • If there are default values, set them in migrations.
  • Use SQL, not ActiveRecord models, in migrations.
  • Add foreign key constraints in migrations.