This is Internet Application that communicates with YouTube API. It is written in Python v3.6.6 and Django. It uses SQLite as database engine and Celery as task runner.
For download u can use one of the following methods:
- Run command below using your command line tool with GIT installed:
git clone
cd Django-Project/
Make sure you have installed and activated virtualenv. After that install project requirements. To do this run following command in project directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to see project requirements check requirements.txt.
Then u need to migrate database using command:
python migrate
You also need rabbitmq installed and running as a service. Then you need to run Celery Worker. To do this in main project directory with virtualenv enabled run:
celery -A DjangoTut worker -l info
Then on separate terminal run Celery Beat:
celery -A DjangoTut beat -l info --max-interval 43200
Where --max-interval
is set to 43200
sec what is 12 hours, becouse every 12 hours most viewed videos on
homepage are refreshed.
To run project on localhost execute following command in project directory:
python runserver