Releases: BCA-Team/Buildcraft-Additions
Releases · BCA-Team/Buildcraft-Additions
Version 1.6.2
Release 1.6.2
Version 1.5.5
port to 1.7.10
added forge in-game config support (open the mods list in the main menu, select buildcraft additions and press configure)
Canisters now stack in the output of the fluidic compressor
Added gate triggers for the fluidic compressor (canister requested, has empty canister, has full canister)
Added gate triggers for the charging station (ready to charge, done charging)
Added config file (controls version checking and power usage of the tools)
Added logger for output to the log
Version 1.3.2
fix gui texture missing on non-windows systems
Version 1.3
Added Kinetic Drill
Added Kinettic Digger
Added Kinetic Hoe
Added Kinettic Chainsaw
Added Kinetic Power Capsules
Added Charging station
Fixed powerplant generation
Version 1.2.1
fix server crashes
Version 1.2.0
finished the adding of the redstone engine power plant
Version 1.1.0
Merge pull request #2 from Adaptivity/patch-1 Create ru_RU.lang