This application is deployed together with several Chaos Experiments. These can be started after deployment and will affect the Contoso Traders application.
The list of chaos experiments included in the repo is limited but ever expanding. In case you are missing specific experiments, we highly recommend (and appreciate) creating a Pull Request to include them. Refer to the Chaos Contributing Guide for more. For a complete list of the available faults, refer to the Chaos Studio Fault Library.
The following experiments are included in the repo:
Experiments can be started from the Azure Portal, or through CLI commands. The CLI command uses a direct REST call to the Azure management API as follows:
az rest --method post --uri$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/$EXPERIMENT_NAME/start?api-version=2023-11-01
To get started, running the experiment from the portal is easier. Navigate to Chaos Studio (try typing 'Chaos Studio' in the search bar)
Inside Chaos Studio, you will find the link to the 'experiments' blade on the left side, which will show the available experiments:
From the Experiment page, you can then start the experiment and observe the status