This page depicts the various Error codes that Axon Server will return in the case of any problems while Processing Client Requests / Message Handling / Administrative Tasks / Cluster Errors.
Area | Error Code | Description |
Client Request Processing Errors | ||
AXONIQ-1000 |
AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_MISSING This indicates that the Axon Server has been configured with authentication enabled and a client application did not pass a token. |
AXONIQ-1001 |
AUTHENTICATION_INVALID_TOKEN This indicates that the Axon Server has been configured with authentication enabled and a client application has supplied an invalid token. |
AXONIQ-1002 |
UNSUPPORTED_INSTRUCTION This error is returned when the Axon Server cannot recognize the instruction passed to it. |
AXONIQ-1003 |
INSTRUCTION_EXECUTION_ERROR This error is returned when the Axon Server throws an error during the execution of the instruction passed to it. |
AXONIQ-1004 |
INSTRUCTION_RESULT_TIMEOUT This indicates that the execution of the instruction did not finish within the timeout set. |
AXONIQ-1100 |
NODE_IS_REPLICA This error is returned when a request from a node to join a cluster is received by a node that is no longer leader. Normally the node would forward the request to the leader, but if there is a leader change during the processing of the join request this may happen. |
AXONIQ-1300 |
NO_SUCH_APPLICATION This error is returned when any client sends any instruction with a specific application name that has not been registered with Axon Server. |
AXONIQ-1301 |
NO_SUCH_NODE This error is returned when any client sends any instruction with a specific node name that has not been registered with Axon Server. |
AXONIQ-1302 |
CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND This error is returned when any client sends any instruction with a specific context that has not been registered with Axon Server. |
AXONIQ-1304 |
CONTEXT_EXISTS This error is returned when there is an instruction to create a specific context within Axon Server and it already exists. |
AXONIQ-1305 |
REPLICATION_GROUP_EXISTS This error is returned when there is an instruction to create a specific replication group within Axon Server and it already exists. |
AXONIQ-1400 |
NO_AXONSERVER_FOR_CONTEXT This error is returned when there is no Axon Server node available for the specified context. |
AXONIQ-1500 |
AXONSERVER_NODE_NOT_CONNECTED This error is returned when there is an instruction to create a specific context within Axon Server and it already exists. |
AXONIQ-1700 |
LICENSE_ERROR This error is returned when the request cannot be executed due to license restrictions. |
AXONIQ-1900 |
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS This error is returned when clients send too many commands or queries to Axon Server and its internal queue is full. |
Input Errors | ||
AXONIQ-2000 |
INVALID_SEQUENCE This error is returned when there is a gap between the sequence number for a particular aggregate instance that the client application sends and the current sequence number for that instance in the Axon Server Event Store. |
AXONIQ-2001 |
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE This error is returned when the payload for the message to be executed is too large. |
AXONIQ-2002 |
TOO_MANY_EVENTS This error is returned when an ad-hoc query (e.g. from the Search Page) has buffered too many rows to send to the client, this error also is returned when a single transaction from a client contains more than 32767 events (due to a limitation in the event store format, we can only store MAX_SHORT events in a single transaction). |
AXONIQ-2100 |
NO_LEADER_AVAILABLE This error is returned when no leader is available to execute any instruction sent to the Axon Server cluster. |
AXONIQ-2101 |
NOT_RUNNING_IN_CLUSTER This error is returned when Axon Server is not running in a cluster. |
AXONIQ-2107 |
REPLICATION_GROUP_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS This error is returned when an instruction on a specific replication group is rejected as it might be undergoing an update. |
AXONIQ-2108 |
REPLICATION_GROUP_NOT_FOUND This error is returned when an instruction is requested for a non-existing replication group. |
AXONIQ-2200 |
INVALID_TRANSACTION_TOKEN This error is returned when during replication there is a mismatch between the transaction token in the new transaction and the transaction token that the event store node expects. This means that there is a likely inconsistency in the data between the nodes. |
AXONIQ-2301 |
CLUSTER_NOT_ALLOWED This error is returned when an instruction to create a cluster is rejected. |
AXONIQ-2302 |
CONTEXT_CREATION_NOT_ALLOWED This error is returned when an instruction to create a context on an Axon Server cluster is rejected due to invalid permissions. |
AXONIQ-2303 |
NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_DEVELOPMENT This error is returned when an instruction valid only in non-development mode is attempted when development mode is active. |
AXONIQ-2304 |
CANNOT_DELETE_INTERNAL_CONTEXT This error is returned when an operation to delete any internal context is attempted on an Axon Server cluster. |
AXONIQ-2305 |
MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE_REACHED This error is returned when the maximum size of the cluster is reached. |
AXONIQ-2306 |
ALREADY_MEMBER_OF_CLUSTER This error is returned when an attempt is made to add an already existing node to a cluster. |
AXONIQ-2307 |
NOT_A_MEMBER This error is returned when a cluster related instruction was sent to a node that is not a member of the cluster. |
AXONIQ-2308 |
INVALID_CONTEXT_NAME This error is returned when an instruction is attemped on a non-existing context. |
AXONIQ-2310 |
CANNOT_REMOVE_LAST_NODE This error is returned when a user tries to remove the last node from a replication group. In this case, the user should delete the replication group. |
AXONIQ-2311 |
INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE This error is returned in multiple conditions e.g. when creating a context with properties and one of the properties does not have a valid value, also when updating a license and the license file is invalid or the environment variable. |
AXONIQ-2500 |
SAME_NODE_NAME This error is returned when a node tries to join the cluster with the same internal hostname and port as the leader. |
AXONIQ-2501 |
UNKNOWN_HOST This error is returned when a hostname was passed that did not resolve to a valid IP address. |
AXONIQ-2502 |
CANNOT_JOIN This error is returned when a node tries to join the cluster and there is an error. |
AXONIQ-2510 |
UNKNOWN_ROLE This error is returned when an unknown role is assigned to a user or application. This can only happen when this is done through the REST interface directly or through the CLI. |
AXONIQ-2511 |
INVALID_QUERY This error is returned when the user sends a query in the search window that is not valid |
AXONIQ-2700 |
PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND This error is returned when the user sends a request for a plugin that cannot be found. |
AXONIQ-2701 |
INVALID_PLUGIN_CONFIGURATION This error is returned when the user tries to update the configuration of a plugin with invalid values. |
AXONIQ-2800 |
EVENT_PROCESSOR_NOT_FOUND This error is returned when the user tries to update the configuration of a non-existing event processor. |
AXONIQ-2801 |
EVENT_PROCESSOR_MOVE_UNKNOWN_TARGET This error is returned when the user tries to move an event processor segment to a client that is no longer connected. |
AXONIQ-2801 |
EVENT_PROCESSOR_MOVE_NO_AVAILBLE_THREADS This error is returned when the user tries to move an event processor segment to a client that does not have any available threads. |
Rate Limiting Errors | ||
AXONIQ-3000 |
EVENT_RATE_EXCEEDED This error is returned when the number of Event messages sent to Axon Server exceeds the processing rate. |
Command Handling Errors | ||
AXONIQ-4000 |
NO_HANDLER_FOR_COMMAND This error is returned when a command message instruction is sent to the Axon Server and there is no corresponding handler available for it. |
AXONIQ-4001 |
CONNECTION_TO_HANDLER_LOST This error is returned when Axon Server loses connection to any of the Command Handlers. |
AXONIQ-4002 |
COMMAND_TIMEOUT This error is returned when a command message instruction is sent to the Axon Server and there is an error while processing it. |
AXONIQ-4003 |
COMMAND_DISPATCH_ERROR This error is returned when a command message instruction is sent to the Axon Server and there is an error while dispatching it. |
AXONIQ-4005 |
COMMAND_DUPLICATED This error is returned when a command with the same message identifier is sent multiple times. |
Query Handling Errors | ||
AXONIQ-5000 |
NO_HANDLER_FOR_QUERY This error is returned when a query message instruction is sent to the Axon Server and there is no corresponding handler available for it. |
AXONIQ-5002 |
QUERY_DISPATCH_ERROR This error is returned when a query instruction is sent to the Axon Server and there is an error while dispatching it. |
AXONIQ-5006 |
QUERY_TIMEOUT This error is returned when a query takes too long. |
AXONIQ-5007 |
QUERY_DUPLICATED This error is returned when a query with the same message identifier is sent multiple times. |
Plugin Errors | ||
AXONIQ-3004 |
EVENT_REJECTED_BY_INTERCEPTOR This error is returned when an interceptor in a plugin rejects an event. |
AXONIQ-3005 |
SNAPSHOT_REJECTED_BY_INTERCEPTOR This error is returned when an interceptor in a plugin rejects a snapshot. |
AXONIQ-4004 |
COMMAND_REJECTED_BY_INTERCEPTOR This error is returned when an interceptor in a plugin rejects a command. |
AXONIQ-5004 |
QUERY_REJECTED_BY_INTERCEPTOR This error is returned when an interceptor in a plugin rejects a query. |
AXONIQ-5005 |
SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY_REJECTED_BY_INTERCEPTOR This error is returned when an interceptor in a plugin rejects a subscription query request. |
AXONIQ-6100 |
EXCEPTION_IN_INTERCEPTOR This error is returned when an interceptor in a plugin throws an exception. |
AXONIQ-6101 |
POST_COMMIT_HOOK_EXCEPTION This error is returned when an post commit hook in a plugin throws an exception. |
Backup Errors | ||
AXONIQ-7000 |
NODE_NOT_READY_FOR_BACKUP This error is returned when an Axon Server node is not available for any backup operation. |
Internal Errors | ||
AXONIQ-9000 |
DATAFILE_READ_ERROR This error is returned when Axon Server is unable to read from the Event/Snapshot Data Files. |
AXONIQ-9001 |
INDEX_READ_ERROR This error is returned when Axon Server is unable to read from the Index files. |
AXONIQ-9100 |
DATAFILE_WRITE_ERROR This error is returned when Axon Server is unable to write to the Event/Snapshot Data files. |
AXONIQ-9101 |
INDEX_WRITE_ERROR This error is returned when Axon Server is unable to write to the Index files. |
AXONIQ-9102 |
DIRECTORY_CREATION_FAILED This error is returned when Axon Server is unable to create a directory for storing events/snapshots or indexes. |
AXONIQ-9200 |
VALIDATION_FAILED This error is returned during startup of Axon Server when it performs a validation of the most recent event store segments. This error code is returned when the validation fails. |
AXONIQ-9900 |
TRANSACTION_ROLLED_BACK This error is returned when any transaction is rolled back. |
AXONIQ-9500 |
INTERRUPTED This error is returned when Axon Server process is stopped while waiting for events to be written to the event store segment. |
AXONIQ-6000 |
NO_EVENTSTORE This error is returned when the Axon Server Event Store is not available to perform any instructions. |
AXONIQ-6001 |
CLIENT_DISCONNECTED This error is returned when an Axon Framework client application disconnects from the Axon Server. |
AXONIQ-6002 |
LIST_AGGREGATE_EVENTS_TIMEOUT This error is returned when a request to return the events for a specific aggregate takes too long. |
Cluster Errors | ||
AXONIQ-10001 |
SERVER_TOO_SLOW This error is returned when any instruction to update the Axon Server cluster fails as the server is too slow to respond. |
AXONIQ-10002 |
UNCOMMITTED_CONFIGURATION This error is returned when an instruction to update configuration for the Axon Server cluster fails. |
AXONIQ-10007 |
UNCOMMITTED_TERM This error is returned when a request to update the configuration of a replication group is received before there are any actions committed. The request is refused to prevent potential replication issues. |
AXONIQ-10003 |
REPLICATION_TIMEOUT This error is returned when the replication process between the nodes of the Axon Server cluster times out. |
Other Errors | ||
AXONIQ-0001 |
OTHER Any other errors. |
AXONIQ-2610 |
SCHEDULED_EVENT_NOT_FOUND This error is returned when a scheduled event is not found. |
AXONIQ-11000 |
INSTRUCTION_TIMEOUT This error is returned when an instruction sent to a client takes too long to complete. |
AXONIQ-11001 |
INSTRUCTION_ACK_ONLY This error is returned when an instruction is sent to a client which only acknowledges the request, but does not confirm the result of the instruction. |