This is a ROS Package and the basic layout is the same as any ROS package.
- action
- Holds all the actions created
- move.action - action for movement along a trajectory
- include
- holds any libraries that need to be included
- launch
- holds all the launch files
- aruco_mapping.launch - starts the aruco mapping functionality
- for_real_map.launch - motion planning using moveit for real world
- for_simulated_map.launch - motion planning using moveit for simulated environment
- localisation.launch - start functionality for using EKF (untested)
- simulator.launch - launch simulator
- single_aruco.launch - following a single aruco marker
- msg
- holds custom ros messaged created
- pid_error.msg - holds array data used to store pid errors
- scripts
- holds python scripts related to the functionality of the package
- ardrone teleop - Handle Control of drone using keyboard
- - Class for pose storage
- - Handle usage of EKF
- kalman - Implimenation of Extended Kalman Filter
- move to - Get drone to follow generated Trajectory
- follow - Extract, generate and send trajectory for excecution
- - Generic PID implimentation
- transform - Generate transform between drone’s odom and aruco’s world
The other folders added are as follows
- aruco_models
- holds gazebo aruco_models needed for simulation
- camera_calibration_files
- holds the camera calibration files for ardrone
- it is recomended that you create these files on your own
- Documents
- holds all the documents prepared related to the project
- install_scripts
- holds bash scripts for installing packages automatically
- - installs everything needed for the use of this project
- worlds
- holds the test worlds that we had created
- small_world.sdf - small test world created
- small_world_with_aruco.sdf - small test world created with arucos loaded
- whycon
- whycon_formation_data
- holds files and scripts used for training formation based identification of whycon
- *.txt files are data collected
- *.p files are pretrained models
- - data collection script
- - using the data to train and draw inferences
- scripts
- - using pretrained objects to find the the current formation group
- whycon_formation_data