- Updated styles, sass, style linting #3294
- Upgraded dependencies #3292
- Updated the ID type used for analytics to avoid sending invalid WPCOM IDs #3291
- Updated eslint configuration #3293
- Fixed inconsistent tag encoding of special characters that led to duplicate tags across platforms #3017
- Updated dependencies #3286
- Fix WordPress.com login on the Electron builds #3281
- Properly clear analytics cookies on logout #3269
- Added "magic link" login #3246
- Added a link to log in with a password from the initial login screen #3256
- Disabled "sticky scrolling" option #3254
- Removed gconf2 dependency #3244
- The final release build of v2.22.0 was not correctly packaged, causing a crash on startup. Affected users will need to manually download this version, which properly includes a necessary configuration file during the build process #3232
- Disabled the menu item to check for updates in the development environment #3214
- Don't indent lines following an indent (hanging indent support) #3216
- Adjusted word wrap borders in Safari to match other browsers #3191
- Fixed an issue that caused the right-click menu to vanish immediately in Safari #3192
- Fixed a bug where an email address in a note would cause the preview to be blank #3205
- Updated the remaining components to use CSS variables for colors #3025, #3024, #3023, #3022, #3021, #3020, #3019, #3018
- Updated the message that is shown when attempting to log in with a known compromised password #3013
- Removed unused hint option in the importer dialog #3027
- Updated the CSS to complete the move to using CSS variables for colors #3028
- Updated login error handling for the case of too many login attempts #3029
- Updated the Note Action components to use CSS variables for colors #3001
- Updated the Search Field and Tag Suggestion components to use CSS variables for colors #2997
- Updated the standard checkbox component to use individual SVG images for checked and unchecked states #3002
- Fixed the new note button separator color while in focus mode #2998
- Updated to save the scroll position of a note so you can be restored when the note is viewed again #2977
- Added support for handling failed logins due to having an unverified account email #2976
- [Internal] Added support for handling passwords found in known data breaches #2972
- [Internal] Updated Simperium library dependency to latest version #2984
- Updated the Note List, Note Cell, and No Notes, components to use CSS variables for colors #2969
- Updated tile icons for Windows with a new size and shadow #2965
- Updated the Note Detail, Tag Field, Tag Input, and Tag Suggestion components to use CSS variables for colors #2955
- Updated the Note toolbar, Menu bar, Note editor, and Search field components to use CSS variables for colors #2943
- Fixed the font stack used so the font is consistent everywhere #2946
- Fixed the color used for headings on the login and sign up pages #2947
- Updated the new note icon to the new design #2939
- Updated colors in dark mode to use CSS variables #2936
- Updated the logo used when pinning to the Windows start menu #2937
- Upgraded the Electron and Electron Builder dependencies to newer versions #2895
- Fixed search scrollbar highlights so it always shows search matches while in the editor #2910
- Added a tooltip to the note revision selector to better explain the new restore deleted tags action #2899
- Added a default window title bar to Mac Electron app #2896
- Updated CSS colors to use CSS variables #2874, #2885
- Fixed search results bar to only use the plural Results if there is more than one matching keyword #2892
- Fixed spacing issue on the trash tag button when set to sort tags alphabetically #2893
- Fixed a bug where the Mac app wouldn't quit on the first request #2901
- Updated search so that all notes are searched even if there is a currently selected tag #2878
- Added the option to search with
to find notes without any tags #2879 - Shows tags to be restored on the note history screen #2817
- Added system theme for Mac and Windows Electron apps #2882
- Updated the method of setting the theme selection #2873
- Reduced the number of colors used throughout the project #2872
- Fixed a couple of bugs where the editor would get focus instead of staying with the search field #2531
- Removed the sort options bar from the note list and updated the sort options in the Settings #2841
- Updated the design of the login/sign up form as well as clarifying the message shown when requesting an account #2831
- Updated the styling of the search UI including the search highlighting #2791
- Updated the note toolbar and note info sidebar to be two dialogs, one for note info, and one for note actions #2622, #2835, #2843, #2842
- Added scrolling to the list of unsynchronized notes in the warning dialog #2816
- Fixed extra line breaks issue when exporting notes #2819
- Fixed displaying extra blank spaces in history screen #2829, #2867
- Fixed to apply selected tag to a new note by default #2556
- Fixed spacing on unsynced notes warning message #2797
- Fixed cut off issue for dialogs when the window is too small #2815, #2834, #2863
- Fixed unnecessary separators in the Electron builds File and Edit menus when not yet logged in (props @Klauswk) #2724
- Fixed the clear search button so it does not appear unless there is a search term to clear #2862
- Updated Focus Mode/Toggle Sidebar naming to be consistent using Focus Mode (props @dplanella) #2792
- Removed the tag heading from the navigation menu when there are no tags #2786
- Updated the number of lines in the note preview to be three lines in expanded display #2785
- Updated to autofocus the delete tag button when the confirmation dialog is opened #2775
- Improved parsing of multiple pasted tags #2756
- Improved accessibility of the application for keyboard and screen reader users #2726
- Improved error handling and messaging within the app #2715
- Improved navigation sidebar and revision selector accessibility for keyboards and screen readers #2707
- Updated imports to a single dialog where any supported file type can be imported at the same time #2685
- Improved recognizability of inline code elements #2739
- Fixed an issue when you rename a selected tag, the menubar title is updated to reflect the new tag name #2784
- Fixed the position of the offline badge indicator in Electron builds #2778
- Fixed some styling issues with the unsynchronized note warning dialog #2776
- Fixed editing of pending tag input #2756
- Fixed to only show scrollbars on the tag list when needed #2753
- Fixed dismissing the tooltip for disabled buttons #2751
- Fixed to checkboxes in preview mode #2736
- Added Untagged Notes filter to sidebar #2687
- Added a confirmation dialog before deleting a tag #2653
- Updated the navigation bar styles #2649
- Updated navigation bar color #2645
- Updated tag input styling #2608, #2748
- Updated styling of dialogs throughout the app #2718
- Updated the Windows installation process to be able to choose to install for all users on the computer or just the current user #2678
- Auto-remove line terminators like line separators (LS) or paragraph separator (PS) #2713
- Ensure that tags on imported notes are added and synced properly #2725
- Fixed overflowing dialog content when a long email address is used during signup #2712
- Fix cut-off dialog close button in Safari #2711
- Fixed a bug in note export to avoid duplicate filenames when certain characters were used in the note title #2694
- Updated the view when no notes show in a specific list; fixed the view when adding a new note from the Trash #2618, #2746
- Enable keyboard shortcut for search even when keyboard shortcut preference is set to be disabled #2652
- Fixed a bug that caused Ctrl+G and some other shortcuts to fail on Windows/Linux #2705
- Refresh the note list after restoring a revision #2667
- Removed the spellcheck option from the Edit menu #2650
- Fixed scrollbar styles in Firefox #2641
- Fixed slider handle alignment in Chrome #2720
- Updated new account signup flow #2695
- Added a sort order bar to the note list #2542
- Added a checklist icon to the note toolbar #2603
- Updated tag renaming to be more consistent in the app and across platforms #2602
- Moved the note revision slider to the bottom of the note #2586, #2662
- Added the new note icon to the toolbar when in focus mode #2596, #2671
- Updated the icon set #2623
- Updated tag editing styles #2584
- Adjusted note list width and font weights #2631
- Updated pinner styles in the note list #2624
- Tag input now inserts tags when a space is used or when clicking outside of the input area #2607
- Updated Monaco editor to 0.22.0 to fix duplicate character inputs on Firefox #2611
- Updated keyboard shortcut keys to display correctly based on platform #2601
- Fixed a bug causing duplicate and unwanted items to appear in the context menu #2669
- Added email verification UI #2587
- Moved search field into notes list and updated styles #2580, #2595
- Added creation date to the note info panel #2585
- Clarified the wording of the unsynchronized notes warning #2594
- Added a missing aria-label to the revision slider (props to @tbourrely) #2583
- Fixed loading of the analytics preference so it will send events if user has opted in #2605
- Allow installation without administrator privileges on Windows #2581
- Upgraded some dependencies #2575 but partially-reverted this PR due to some text edit actions not working #2604
- Updated the external Settings URL #2591
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented checklists and bulleted lists from automatically continuing on the next line #2548
- Fixed layout bugs causing the search results bar to overlap note contents and tag input field #2545
- Fixed a bug where some search terms could be dropped when searching for quoted strings #2550
- Fixed navigation list styles on Safari #2552
- Fixed a bug causing notes to still be filtered after creating a new note from search results #2557
- Load the correct configuration file in local development #2536
- Fixed a crash on note search in Safari #2538
- Updated dependencies #2547
- Updated arguments to addDynamicKeybinding function #2546
- Prevent adding undefined as a className when no value provided (props to @ubaidisaev) #2551
- Added search context to the note list #2424
- Use the Tab key to indent nested list items from anywhere within the line #2515, #2518
- Fixed a crash when entering a multi-word search term in Expanded display mode #2516
- Show error message when trying to import invalid JSON #2446
- Fixed buggy cursor when hitting enter on an empty list item #2519
- Made sidebar icons the correct shade of blue #2513
- Fixed a crash when clicking on a tag suggestion from search #2529
- Only linkify HTTP and simplenote protocols in note preview #2505
- Tab panels: Add some TypeScript declarations (props to @ubaidisaev) #2489
- Fixed a bug causing the app to be missing from Windows 10 notification settings #2483
- Updated the tag panel UI #2302
- Fixed an issue where deleting a tag did not immediately update the note #2455
- Fixed Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down arrow selection shortcuts on Win/Linux #2428
- Fixed a bug that prevented Follow Link / cmd+click from working on external links within the note editor #2470
- Fixed inconsistent datetime formatting in the note info panel #2473
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts sometimes not working on Win/Linux #2490
- Added ARM architectures to the Linux build #2456
- Added internal link references to the note info panel #2412
- Display the canonical lexical version ensuring one capitalization or lexical version of a tag is displayed #2435
- Suggest creating a new note when none exists or notes match search query #2422
- Added autocompletion / inline search for internal note links #2286
- Fixed a bug where Ctrl+G would not go to the next search result #2402
- Fixed a bug preventing zoom shortcuts from being triggered by keys on the numeric keypad #2404
- Fixed a bug causing zoom in / zoom out to only apply to the editor contents #2406
- Fixed bug in note info panel where links did not copy in Firefox #2414
- Prevent the scrollbar slider from becoming tiny when there are many notes in the note list #2418
- Fixed checkboxes so that they can be checked in markdown mode #2415
- Restored ability to toggle multiple checkboxes at once #2419
- Made margin in editor clickable to focus editor #2433
- Allow window to be closed when the user is logged out #2439
- Clear search and close revision panel when creating a new note #2434
- Fixed the Windows updater #2440
- Updated the Simperium API token #2387
- Rewrite data flow in the app to remove races and sync bugs. This is a major update that involved a rewrite from the ground up of some key parts of the app, as well as replacing the editor component and adding support for internal links. #2148
- Server connection indicator in sidebar
- Last synced time in note details
- Support for internal (inter-note) links
- Better performance on long notes
- Custom search interface #2313, #2292
- Custom context menu #2280
- Make keyboard shortcuts aware of keyboard layout #2334
- Notifications when a note has changed on the server-side
- A full log of changes in this long-running feature branch can be found at https://github.com/Automattic/simplenote-electron/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3ARewrite%2Fbeta
- Add support for importing .md files #2351
- Linkify internal links in the editor #2376
- Allow RTL formatting in Markdown mode #2339
- Hide the search results banner when printing #2348
- Display first note in Trash when opening Trash #2349
- Fix a few bugs with undo/redo/selection #2293, #2345, #2357
- Open note list when triggering search in narrow mode #2340
- Fixed tag autocomplete not working with right arrow #2350
- Hide scrollbars when printing on Legacy Edge #2347
- Re-layout editor after focus mode change #2371
- Allow Electron to handle keyboard shortcuts from the menu #2370
- Make tags in list links until they are being edited #2352
- Prompt when closing Electron if there are unsynchronized notes #2277
- Terminology: Change "inter-note link" to "internal link" #2360
- Updated WordPress.com login flow to work on all platforms #2285
- Added logging and ability to download logs #2194
- Added support for table alignment and strikethrough in Markdown #2229
- Fixed Evernote import #2201
- Fixed unsynced note dialog on logout #2230
- Fixed a bug preventing login if capital letters were used in email address #2226
- Show pointer cursor on checkboxes #2189
- Disable menu items if user isn't logged in #2228, #2232
- Restore ability to view About dialog while logged out #2231
- Restore missing keyboard shortcut hint for Insert Checklist #2233
- Updated all icons to use the new Simplenote Blue #2158
- Added Privacy Notice for California Users #2177
- Prevent relative links in preview from opening a broken link in a new window #2167
- Updated Electron and associated dependencies to the latest #2102, #2168
- Deleted deprecated "master" branch and updated configuration #2159
- Fixed an issue causing note selection to unexpectedly change #2111
- Change "whitelist" to "allowlist" #2146
- Added draft-js types #2121
- Moved clipboard types to dev dependencies #2122
- Added types to react-tabs module #2096
- Added UNSAFE to deprecated React methods #2123
- Updated Publisher display name for Windows Store #2131
- Added option to disable keyboard shortcuts #2075
- Added a password validation utility #2086, #2114 and stricter password requirements on signup #2087 and login #2088
- Many keyboard shortcut fixes:
- Delete note shortcut removed #2076
- Search shortcut changed to
so that it does not conflict with the native browser find #2078 - Toggle focus on tag field changed from
#2081 - Create a new note changed from
#2080 - Open the tag list changed from
#2079 - Added focus mode shortcut hint to View menu #2082
- Fixed a bug causing occasional missing characters in note titles #2063
- Defer re-decorating note when changing search #2073
- Refactor: Extract authentication and login screen from main app #2066
- Build updates: Simplenote now supports armv7l (aka armhf on Debian) and arm64 platforms #2042; Added 32-bit version for Windows Store #2067
- Refactor settings reducer #2083 and tag chip #2068
- Added types to the Checkbox component #2023
- Highlight all search matches in Markdown previews and in note list #1987
- Fix for blurry fonts on LCD screens #2003
- Renamed RELEASE-NOTES to fix integrations broken by #1576 #2018
- Extensive refactoring to move more code into Redux state: #1920 (tag selection), #1928 (system tag), #1971 (select trash and show all notes), #1981 (dialog renderer), #1989 (previous index), #1991 (tagsLoaded), #1995 (compositeNoteList), #1996 (tag suggestions), #1999 (load tags), #2004 (isElectron and isMac utils),
- Replace custom height cache with one provided by react-virtualized #1829
- Dependencies updated #1951, #1993
- Fix application signing to generate proper appx for Windows Store #1960
- Stop erasing the copy buffer if copying empty editor selections #1847
- Allow for un-selecting a tag by tab or right arrow #1853 @qualitymanifest
- Highlight search results in note list regardless of case #1831
- Stop wiping out tag name when renaming a tag #1834
- Only render markdown syntax in note list if markdown enabled for note #1839
- Fix up/down keyboard navigation in Windows Chrome #1888
- Stop accidentally hiding the Edit Tag button when clicking on it #1900
- Make tag auto-suggest case-insensitive #1905
- Incorporate second fix for Unicode bug with successive surrogate pairs #1912
- Render unicode bullet as a list item in Markdown preview #1922
- Added type information throughout the codebase
- Refactored internal state and data flow #1851 (selected note), #1866 (editor mode), #1870 (connection status), #1871 (unsync'd note ids), #1881 (search query), #1895 (close note action), #1896 (various UI toggles), #1899 (tag editing), #1901 (show trash), #1902 (filter list title), #1903 (viewing revisions), #1907 (toggle navigation), #1914 (search field focus), #1919 (previous selected note), #1921 (revision fetching)
- Updated dependencies #1771, #1848
- Improve reliability of end-to-end tests by removing data races and test parallelism #1913
- Connect Redux Devtools store enhancer for easier debugging #1918
- Removed
for more reliable builds #1924
- Keep note open when transitioning to small screen in focus mode #1763
- Added GenericName (description) field for app on Linux #1761
- Allow width attribute on img tags #1833
- Makes settings scrollable on shorter smaller view ports #1767
- After selecting a revision to restore ensure that choice is sync'd #1774
- Added indication that publish url has been copied #1743
- Disallow partial emails and user's own email from being adding to collaborators email field #1735
- Fixed keyboard shortcut to toggle markdown preview #1788
- Fixed an issue where typing a comma in the tag input would insert an empty tag #1798
- When system theme is selected in Settings, changing the system theme is now immediately reflected in the app #1801
- Show all checkboxes and search results in note list #1814
- Fix ol numbering in markdown preview #1823
- Prevents weird effects in live previews due to incomplete input #1822
- Fixed a bug where searching for a tag containing non-alphanumeric characters erroneously returned no notes #1828
- Properly close revision/history view when clicking outside of slider #1837
- Updated dependencies #1759
- Applied prettier formatting to all files #1780
- Delete unused tab restriction util #1783
- Migrate TransitionDelayEnter to React hooks #1784
- Added git hooks to run format, lints, and tests #1790
- Added React Hooks ESLint Plugin #1789
- Added end-to-end testing with Spectron #1773
- Removed a workaround for indexing note pinned status #1795
- Maintenance cleanups #1796, #1797, #1808, #1809, #1810, #1811
- Updated dependencies #1802
- Updated dependencies #1821
- Fixed build warning #1806
- Refactor how notes are filtered for better performance and maintainability #1812
- Added matching tags to the notes list on search #1648
- Revision selector is now usable without dragging the entire window #1741
- Only display view settings when coming from the old web app #1736
- Fixed a bug where initial "s" was getting removed from note titles in preview #1748
- Updated dependencies #1738
- Updated menu icon to use the new icon set #1694
- Added script to deploy web app #1723
- Prioritize search results where title matches query #1705
- Fixed markdown code styles #1702
- Stop crashing app in a few cases where it shouldn't #1721
- Prevent infinite duplication of changes caused by relying on shared note bucket #1724
- Prevent note corruption in certain cases involving Asian characters, Emoji, and "surrogate pairs" #1714
- Updated dependencies #1693
- Stop app boot when missing platform support and indicate what is missing #1713
- Fixed bug that only shows the first line of text in note list preview #1647
- Add ability to select system as a theme option and make it the default
- Added support for the unicode bullet • in list items
- Display a notice that notes are loading when notes are loading
- In dev mode open Chrome Dev Tools in a separate window
- Rework WordPress.com signin to prevent infinite looping and login failures #1627
- Update link to release-notes in updater config: CHANGELOG -> RELEASE_NOTES
- Stop showing that there are no notes when initially loading notes from the server. #1680
- Updated dependencies
- Prevent ulimited duplication of changes after signing out and signing in #1664
- Open new note automatically upon creation 1582
- Updated colors to use Color Studio, the color palette for Automattic products
- Hovering over a clickable or editable UI element now show the correct cursor for its type #1573
- Fixes vertical spacing with nested markdown lists
- Fixes sort order on revision slider when the timestamps don't match the change sequence #1605
- Prevents note corruption when receiving remote updates when local updates are pending
- Renamed CHANGELOG.md to RELEASE-NOTES.txt #1576
- Added tests to Checkbox component #1580
- Added a GitHub Action to deploy develop and master branches #1603
- Stopped aborting development builds on
errors #1594
- Updated Log in and Sign up form to match current styling #1459
v1.7.0 (2019-08-12)
- Updates to dark mode styling #1452
- Updated several dependencies
v1.6.0 (2019-07-01)
- Add custom tooltips to toolbar buttons #1214
- Improve search performance on long notes #1218
- Fixed a linting error #1427
- Extract text manipulation helpers ( #1212 )
- Refactor settings state ( #1216 )
- Remove hacky focus manipulation in DraftJS ( #1219 )
- Remove unused build files ( #1173 )
- Keep editor in sync with selected note in NoteList ( #1220 )
- Fix large tag-list squashing note-list ( #1227 )
- Updated GitHub templates
- Updated most dependencies
- Fix Prettier Errors ( #1343 )
- Use md5 node module ( #1308 )
- Remove ajv peer dependency ( #1360 )
- Fix linting warning in tag-chip ( #1314 )
- Fix linting warning in lib/app ( #1313 )
- Fix linting warning in lib/auth/index ( #1311 )
- Docs update: Additional step in installing ( #1252 )
v1.5.0 (2019-02-21)
- Add a sync indicator in the Navigation Bar that shows the last synced time, as well as a list of unsynced notes when edits are made while disconnected from the server #1201
- Fix issue where in short or empty notes, the clickable area did not expand to the height of the editor #1199
- Fix a Dark Mode color glitch in the Note List on Ubuntu #1202
- Change the Insert Checklist shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+C (Cmd+Shift+C on macOS) to avoid a conflict with Polish keyboards #1210
- Tweak the dropzone color to preserve the dashed border in Light Mode #1211
- Remove unneeded border when printing #1206
- Fix wrong icon in the “Check for Updates” dialog on Linux #1172
- Fix CJK-related text duplication bugs after a tab character #1172
- Make “Select All” work in the Markdown Preview #1172
v1.4.1 (2019-02-08)
- Keep approximate cursor position when a remote change comes in from the server #1193 @qualitymanifest
- Verify last used monitor availability when restoring window position #1176
- Fix erratic cursor jumps to last line #1193
v1.4.0 (2019-01-29)
- Checklists! Markdown-style checkboxes (
- [ ]
and- [x]
) will now be rendered in the Editor as a clickable checkbox. Checklists can also be added from the Format ▸ Insert Checklist menu item #1145 #1154 #1159 #1166 #1168
- Change the button icon in the top left corner from a tag to a hamburger menu #1106
- Improve accessibility of the tab panels in the Settings and Share dialogs #1109
- Add a Tools panel (containing the Import/Export functions) to the Settings dialog #1111
- Add ability to toggle checkboxes in the Markdown preview #1133
- Show Published icon in Condensed view #1110
- Add a “Check for Updates” menu item #1090
- Improve alphabetical note sorting to ignore accents, diacritics, and leading
characters #1144 - Improve contrast in Dark Mode #1062
- Prevent the Search Bar from shrinking when there are no notes #1108
- In narrow screen sizes, correctly close the note after a “Trash” or “Restore from Trash” command #1131
- Make the text in the Markdown preview selectable #1132
- Update the selected note when notes have reloaded #1130
- Prevent Note List excerpts from being to short #1104
- Fix an issue where a local change to a note’s content would reselect that note in the Editor, even when the user had already navigated away to a different note #1141
- Fix lag when renaming tags #1127
- Remove unnecessary left border in Focus Mode #1149 @qualitymanifest
- Prevent Markdown list prefixes from multiplying when hitting Return #1148
- When copying a note, ensure that the raw text is copied to the clipboard instead of rich text #1155
- Fix line break behavior in the Markdown preview to match common Markdown implementations, as well as the other Simplenote apps #1169
- Fix CJK-related crashes after a tab character #1171
- Various security and under-the-hood improvements
v1.3.4 (2018-12-18)
- Prevent a performance issue that can occur when there is a lot of whitespace in a Markdown note #1078 #1088
- Restore tags correctly when restoring a revision #1085
- Ensure that the note selected on launch is updated #1093
- Improve tag field styles to accommodate notes with many tags #1084
- Ensure that offline changes are synced to the server once the app is back online, even if the app was quit before syncing #1098 #1103
- Add rate limiter to Importer to prevent overloading the server #1101
v1.3.3 (2018-12-06)
v1.3.2 (2018-12-05)
- Add support for sorting the tags list #1042
- Add
outline to dropzone #989 - Fix tag entry in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean #999
- Make tag entry and removal smoother #1000
- Fix padding for trash toolbar in Mac Electron #1005
- Fix password change handling #1022
- Simplify printing #1013
- Fix incorrect menu labels in note sorting options #1023 @tonytettinger
- Never launch in fullscreen mode #1002
- Fix button styles in the tag drawer #1031
- Fix app description #1030
- Fix errors in app menus #1004
- Delete AppData on uninstall (Windows) #1029
- Fix app icon in Windows Store build #1065
This release is only intended for distribution in the Windows Store. It fixes a login issue that only affected the build available there.
v1.3.0 (2018-11-28)
- Importers for Evernote (.enex) exports, Simplenote (.json) exports, and plain text files #922 #940 #952 #957 #975 #1033
- Revamp auto updater #869
- Disable checkboxes and hide bullets in Markdown preview of task lists #897 @rakhi2104
- Add preview styling for
tags #901 @rakhi2104 - Add
property to the JSON file of exported notes #938 - Improve keyboard support for modal dialogs #950
- Show focus outlines on buttons and other controls when navigating with a keyboard #962
- Strip Markdown in note list excerpts (with the exception of ordered and unordered lists) #996 @ksdme
- Fix a crash bug that occurred when clicking the Share button immediately after selecting a tag in the tag drawer #884
- Remove outdated help text in the Share dialog #919 @rakhi2104
- Fix “bad quality package” error on Ubuntu #933
- Fix the Sidebar toggle button not working immediately after launch #945
- Make the Revisions selector full-width when in Focus Mode #960 @clayreimann
- Fix issues with some buttons that were not friendly to screen readers #961
- Add a Back button for trashed notes in single-column view #984 @vadimnicolai
- Fix line spacing when printing a Markdown note #992 @vadimnicolai
- Fix margin on Publish icons in the note list #997 @vadimnicolai
- Various security and under-the-hood improvements.
v1.2.1 (2018-10-16)
This is a rebuild of the faulty packages released as v1.2.0. (Please refer to v1.2.0 for the changes)
v1.2.0 (2018-10-16)
Update: There was a problem somewhere in the automated build system, and these packages will not work on Windows or Ubuntu. Please use the rebuilt packages from v1.2.1
- Focus Mode to hide the note list pane. This can be toggled from the sidebar button, View menu, or shortcut ⌘⇧F.
- Line Length setting to wrap the note content to Full or Narrow widths.
- Spell checker (can be toggled on/off).
- New user setting to opt out of analytics sharing.
- When exporting notes (File menu ▸ Export Notes), the Date Modified of each note file in the zip will reflect the last modified date of the note (props to @ianmorti).
- “Font Size” is renamed “Zoom” to match standard convention, and is now more discoverable at the root level of the View menu (props to @gie3d).
- The modification date will now be updated when adding or removing note tags (props to @hanhmchau).
- [Web] The tag drawer will close after opening the Settings dialog.
- [Mac] “Bring All to Front” is now in the correct menu.
- Various security fixes.
v1.1.7 (2018-08-17)
Bug and security fixes.
v1.1.6 (2018-06-22)
Bug and security fixes.
v1.1.5 (2018-06-15)
Fixes a blank screen issue that could occur at smaller resolutions.
v1.1.4 (2018-06-15)
- You can now sign in with a WordPress.com account.
- Bug and security fixes.
v1.1.3 (2018-02-09)
- To save on editor space, the markdown Edit/Preview toggle has been moved to the toolbar. Look for the 👁
- Safety first! The app checks for any unsynced notes before logging out and warns if it finds any.
- Security fixes.
v1.1.2 (2018-01-10)
- Fixes an issue where new accounts could not sign in to the web app.
- Security fixes.
v1.1.1 (2017-12-12)
- Improved support for Markdown tables.
- Fixes issue where tags could become duplicated.
v1.1.0 (2017-11-21)
- UI improvements.
- Search for multiple tags in the search bar (type
). - Performance and reliability fixes.
v1.1.0-rc3 (2017-11-17)
Even more bug fixes from RC2, and now includes 'no notes' placeholder.
v1.0.8 (2017-02-01)
- Search improvements: Match highlighting and clear search button added.
- You can now export your notes from the file menu.
- Performance and reliability improvements.
v1.0.7 (2016-12-03)
- Sync reliability fixes. Note: If the app is still out of sync after updating, try signing out and back in again.
- New notes now always open in edit mode.
- Syntax highlighting added in the Markdown preview.
v1.0.6 (2016-11-03)
Fixes Page Up/Down keys from showing the info panel erroneously.
v1.0.5 (2016-10-20)
Bug fixes, including:
- Fixes search bug and refactors
@dmsnell. - Replace value link in tag list for controlled state changes @dmsnell.
- Fix access to wrong variable name @nfcampos.
v1.0.4 (2016-10-12)
- Replaced textarea-based note editor with Draft.js @nfcampos
- Fix revision slider where it was loading the oldest version of a note by default
- Add menu mnemonics @bostrt
- Remove global Markdown setting
- Additional minor bug fixes.
- Fix word counter with non ASCII characters
- Find note when
doesn't exist - Replace search RegExp with simple string search @nfcampos
v1.0.3 (2016-08-26)
- Larger title in the note editor.
- Fix for username not displaying in settings.
- Additional minor bug fixes.
v1.0.2 (2016-06-28)
Bug fixes.
v1.0.1 (2016-04-30)
- Add selection to markdown preview.
- Title attribute tooltips.
- Open link on external browser.
- Submit login form on
. - Better exception management.
- Design updates.
v1.0.0 (2016-03-30)
Simplenote Desktop
v1.0.0-rc.2 (2016-03-30)
- Merge pull request #262 from Automattic/fix/simperium-npm-version
- Fixes the Simperium version
v1.0.0-rc.1 (2016-03-26)
v1.0.0-rc.0 (2016-03-23)
Last version without updates notifications.