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File metadata and controls

283 lines (218 loc) · 11.1 KB


A query defines a request for data from a data source. It defines input and output variables so that the Remote Data Blocks plugin knows how to interact with it.

A common approach is to define a data source on the settings screen and then commit a custom query in code to fetch and process the data. The following example code does just that.


Most HTTP-powered APIs can be queried using an HttpQuery. Here's an example of a query for US ZIP code data. This examples assumes you have configured the data source in the UI, and have the UUID.


$data_source = HttpDataSource::from_uuid( REMOTE_DATA_BLOCKS_EXAMPLE_ZIP_CODE_DATA_SOURCE_UUID );

if ( ! $data_source instanceof HttpDataSource ) {

$query = HttpQuery::from_array( [
	'display_name' => 'Get location by Zip code',
	'data_source' => $data_source,
	'endpoint' => function( array $input_variables ) use ( $data_source ): string {
		return $data_source->get_endpoint() . $input_variables['zip_code'];
	'input_schema' => [
		'zip_code' => [
			'name' => 'Zip Code',
			'type' => 'string',
	'output_schema' => [
		'is_collection' => false,
		'type' => [
			'zip_code' => [
				'name' => 'Zip Code',
				'path' => '$["post code"]',
				'type' => 'string',
			'city'     => [
				'name' => 'City',
				'path' => '$.places[0]["place name"]',
				'type' => 'string',
			'state'    => [
				'name' => 'State',
				'path' => '$.places[0].state',
				'type' => 'string',
] );
  • The endpoint property is a callback function that constructs the query endpoint. In this case, the endpoint is constructed by appending the zip_code input variable to the data source endpoint.
  • The input_schema property defines the input variables the query expects. For some queries, input variables might be used to construct a request body. In this case, the zip_code input variable is used to customize the query endpoint via the endpoint callback function.
  • The output_schema property defines the output data that will be extracted from the API response. The path property uses JSONPath expressions to allow concise, no-code references to nested data.

This example features a small subset of the customization available for a query; see the full documentation below for details.

HttpQuery configuration

display_name: string (required)

The display_name property defines the query's human-friendly name.

data_source: HttpDataSourceInterface (required)

The data_source property provides the data source the query uses.

endpoint: string|callable

The endpoint property defines the query endpoint. It can be a string or a callable function that constructs the endpoint. The callable function accepts an associative array of input variables ([ $var_name => $value ]). If omitted, the query will use the endpoint defined by the data source.


'endpoint' => function( array $input_variables ) use ( $data_source ): string {
	return $data_source->get_endpoint() . $input_variables['zip_code'];

input_schema: array

The input_schema property defines the input variables expected by the query. The property should be an associative array of input variable definitions. The keys of the array are machine-friendly input variable names, and the values are associative arrays with the following structure:

  • name (optional): The human-friendly display name of the input variable
  • default_value (optional): The default value for the input variable.
  • type (required): The primitive type of the input variable. Supported types are:
    • boolean
    • id
    • integer
    • null
    • number
    • string


'input_schema' => [
	'zip_code' => [
		'name' => 'Zip Code',
		'type' => 'string',

There are also some special input variable types:

  • ui:search_input: A variable with this type indicates that the query supports searching. It must accept a string containing search terms.
  • ui:pagination_offset: A variable with this type indicates that the query supports offset pagination. It must accept an integer containing the requested offset. See pagination_schema for additional information and requirements.
  • ui:pagination_page: A variable with this type indicates that the query supports page-based pagination. It must accept an integer containing the requested results page. See pagination_schema for additional information and requirements.
  • ui:pagination_per_page: A variable with this type indicates that the query supports controlling the number of resultsper page. It must accept an integer containing the number of requested results.
  • ui:pagination_cursor_next and ui_pagination_cursor_previous: Variables with these types indicate that the query supports cursor pagination. They accept strings containing the requested cursor. See pagination_schema for additional information and requirements.

Example with search and pagination input variables

'input_schema' => [
	'search' => [
		'name' => 'Search terms',
		'type' => 'ui:search_input',
	'limit' => [
		'default_value' => 10,
		'name' => 'Pagination limit',
		'type' => 'ui:pagination_per_page',
	'page' => [
		'default_value' => 1,
		'name' => 'Pagination page',
		'type' => 'ui:pagination_page',

If omitted, input_schema defaults to an empty array.

output_schema: array (required)

The output_schema property defines how to extract data from the API response. The property should be an associative array with the following structure:

  • format (optional): A callable function that formats the output variable value.
  • generate (optional): A callable function that generates or extracts the output variable value from the response, as an alternative to path.
  • is_collection (optional, default false): A boolean indicating whether the response data is a collection. If false, only a single item will be returned.
  • name (optional): The human-friendly display name of the output variable.
  • default_value (optional): The default value for the output variable.
  • path (optional): A JSONPath expression to extract the variable value.
  • type (required): A primitive type (e.g., string, boolean) or a nested output schema.

Accepted primitive types are:

  • boolean
  • button_url
  • email_address
  • html
  • id
  • image_alt
  • image_url
  • integer
  • markdown
  • null
  • number
  • string
  • url
  • uuid


'output_schema' => [
    'is_collection' => false,
    'type' => [
        'zip_code' => [
            'name' => 'Zip Code',
            'path' => '$["post code"]',
            'type' => 'string',
        'city_state' => [
            'name' => 'City, State',
            'default_value' => 'Unknown',
            'generate' => function(array $response_data): string {
                return $response_data['places'][0]['place name'] . ', ' . $response_data['places'][0]['state'];
            'type' => 'string',

We have more in-depth output_schema examples.

pagination_schema: array

If your query supports pagination, the pagination_schema property defines how to extract pagination-related values from the query response. If defined, the property should be an associative array with the following structure:

  • total_items (required): A variable definition that extracts the total number of items across every page of results.
  • cursor_next: If your query supports cursor pagination, a variable definition that extracts the cursor for the next page of results.
  • cursor_previous: If your query supports cursor pagination, a variable definition that extracts the cursor for the previous page of results.

Note that the total_items variable is required for all types of pagination.


'pagination_schema' => [
	'total_items' => [
		'name' => 'Total items',
		'path' => '$.pagination.totalItems',
		'type' => 'integer',
	'cursor_next' => [
		'name' => 'Next page cursor',
		'path' => '$.pagination.nextCursor',
		'type' => 'string',
	'cursor_previous' => [
		'name' => 'Previous page cursor',
		'path' => '$.pagination.previousCursor',
		'type' => 'string',

request_method: string

The request_method property defines the HTTP request method used by the query. By default, it is 'GET'.

request_headers: array|callable

The request_headers property defines the request headers for the query. It can be an associative array or a callable function that returns an associative array. The callable function accepts an associative array of input variables ([ $var_name => $value ]). If omitted, the query will use the request headers defined by the data source.


'request_headers' => function( array $input_variables ) use ( $data_source ): array {
	return array_merge(
		[ 'X-Foo' => $input_variables['foo'] ]

request_body: array|callable

The request_body property defines the request body for the query. It can be an associative array or a callable function that returns an associative array. The callable function accepts an associative array of input variables ([ $var_name => $value ]). If omitted, the query will not have a request body.

cache_ttl: int|null|callable

The cache_ttl property defines how long the query response should be cached in seconds. It can be an integer, a callable function that returns an integer, or null. The callable function accepts an associative array of input variables ([ $var_name => $value ]).

A value of -1 indicates the query should not be cached. A value of null indicates the default TTL should be used (60 seconds). If omitted, the default TTL is used.

Remote data blocks utilize the WordPress object cache (wp_cache_get() / wp_cache_set()) for response caching. Ensure that your platform provides or installs a persistent object cache plugin so that this value is respected.

If you do not have a peristent object cache, no caching will be available. We do not recommend running the Remote Data Blocks plugin in this configuration.

image_url: string|null

The image_url property defines an image URL that represents the query in the UI. If omitted, the query will use the image URL defined by the data source.

preprocess_response: callable

If you need to pre-process the response in some way before the output variables are extracted, provide a preprocess_response function. The function will receive the deserialized response.


'preprocess_response' => function( mixed $response_data, array $input_variables ): array {
	$some_computed_property = compute_property( $response_data['foo']['bar'] ?? '' );

	return array_merge(
		[ 'computed_property' => $some_computed_property ]

query_runner: QueryRunnerInterface

Use the query_runner property to provide a custom query runner for the query. If omitted, the query will use the default query runner, which works well with most HTTP-powered APIs.